Run: Time Trial Previous Next


8:10 AM

2.5 mi


5:37 mi


Time traaaillll. Normally time trails make me feel less confident in my abilities, but this time around I don't know, I feel a lot better about it. I basically hit my goal, which was 14:00 minutes, so that's super cool. There are a lot of small things that I can think of to close down on this time and improve, and the first one I think would be the warm-up. Usually, we'd go at a super relaxed pace (around 9:00 minute) until 10 minutes. And I think that's fine, but last year I tried changing things up and ran faster warm-ups to make my first mile feel a little better. I need to bring that back because that first mile felt a little too hard to reach. Park felt like he was going at supersonic speed, and that brought a lot out of me to catch him. Especially since we only really hit a 5:25 mile at first, so I think a little more preparation will have a positive effect.

Another thing which seems obvious, but as I'm thinking here, I just realized that I had no idea when I hit the first mile during that race. So that probably means I need to pay more attention to how I'm running; I think if I knew immediately when I crossed that first mile mentally, I would been able to push way harder. The end of the race didn't feel all that bad, and I'm not that tired right now, so I feel like I can push a lot harder. Though that may come more naturally during a race with a little more competition, it's still something I definitely need to stay more vigilant about. Because I totally let the last mile slip away from me. Other than that, all I need to do is TIE MY SPIKES better because yikes, and keep up my mass, Pt, and strength routine. An overall satisfying time trail, excited about the following races. I hope Park gets better.
