Run: Recovery Previous Next


8:35 AM

4.8 mi


8:18 mi


Day 63 of distant running: Today's run was with Jacob and Park, at an intended recovery pace because Jacob's legs were rather sore. Park and Jacob were waaayyy too unmotivated to run today which was a little annoying and we ended up walking for 2 hours before they wanted to run again (this was 9 minutes in). My goal going into this run was to at least run 5 miles today so that I could hit 30 miles this week... due to some unmotivated running buddies, it got a little hard to reach that goal. Apparently they'll be better tomorrow, so hopefully, we can run at least 6 miles tomorrow to catch up a little. On the bright side, I think we walked around 3-4 miles during the 2-hour gap from running... so that'll be useful for the challenge.

Update: My ankle and hip flexor weren't a problem today. Though it seems my hip flexor is only a problem during sprinting.
