Run: Easy Previous Next


6:53 AM

5 mi


7:59 mi


Not the greatest run today, but it was probably a needed one despite the pace and mileage. I'm sort of on the edge of either taking this week as an off week or hitting 50 miles still this week and keeping the original plan. Right now, my legs aren't hurting /sore, and I'm kind of very tempted just to do another 50-mile week. Butttt (haha)... actually I'm just gonna see how I'm feeling tomorrow morning. Annnyyywaaaay onto the run, as I stated before, I wasn't really feeling it today, my legs kinda were just feeling weird, and it was also just pretty humid which didn't help. I decided to just stop at 5 miles because I figured I'd just do my off-week early, and I was tired. Other than being tired and humid today, I also wore new running shoes, which was pretty cool and useful. The past ones were pretty close to reaching 400 miles, which is quite a bit lolz.



Down week is a good call