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4:00 PM

2.2 mi


8:57 mi

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The time has come, I have finally been promoted by sir Bemps to a 20 MINUTE RUN! I feel the need to celebrate this fact because it signifies the day that I can finally be an independent runner that doesn't have to bow down to the evil sprained ankle, once I have been granted a 30 minute run by the ever so generous leader Bemps I will feel free and finally be able to run with the rest of the team without feeling weighted down by the accursed sprain. The actual run today felt rather nice, I didn't feel soreness everywhere in my body like yesterday, and I felt rather smooth while running across the snow infested race streets, I'm still waiting for the time when I transcend reality because of the hard work I put in my runs, but that time can wait a bit. While running I was rather speechless as I was, one blinded because of the evil snowflakes stabbing my eyes, but two I was thinking about why our fierce and invincible leader Boehmke has had stomach problems, which while I was running ended up bringing me to some weird conclusion... Sir Bemps, I believe you have the rare nematode called Ancylostoma duodenale or also known as the hookworm nematode. That was the best answer that I could conclude, my dad also says that you may have Whipworm aswell or another nematode that is giant and round which also infests in the digestive system. I hope you found my prognosis useful, and good luck! If anyone else has an idea feel free to comment below, thanks for taking the time to read this, for some it might even have had saved your life.



I hope I do not.