Run: Easy Previous Next


3:39 PM

2.5 mi


8:54 mi

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I just learned about Celia's great 3200! Congrats on your 11:46 3200, that's a great time, and apparently pretty close to state as well, soooo coolio!

Anyway, today's run was a pretty chill pre-meet routine, we ran around for 20 minutes to the bell tower back, and then we proceeded to do dynamics for the upcoming 200 sprints that I haven't logged yet. During the actual run, I felt like I was on constant awareness to make sure that nobody spoiled End Game for me. I plan on watching it on Sunday, but until then I don't want it to be spoiled for me. If someone happens to this treacherous feat, then I will proceed to fall onto the floor and yell "nooOOOOOOOOOO" like in one of those dramatic movies after the main character failed to do something. So if you don't want to make me dye inside, then don't spoil End Game :D. My legs felt fine during the run, I decided to run around the back of the pack to make sure that I would feel good for tomorrows meet (a scary double *shivers*). I'm really excited for tomorrows meet! I learned that it was a Freshmen and Sophomore meet, and I'm just super hyped to run against some fast peeps for the 1600, and the 3200! I will primarily focus my effort on the 3200, but I expect to give my all for the 1600 as well, I don't wanna let down Park. I really hope that someone can push me for a state qualifying time, or maybe I can push myself, but if not, it's no biggie, I still have another chance for sectionals hopefully.
