Run: Long Previous Next


6:44 AM

8.7 mi


8:04 mi

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It's a bit later into the week, but I ran a long run today because I was once again stuck in airport limbo for the majority of this week, so I just did it today. I was planning on doing 80 minutes, but things changed a bit. I ran with Jacob until 47 minutes, and then I took off and tried my best to try finishing alone until 80. In short, I couldn't really do it, I was pretty tired plus I'm just starting to get back into things again it was rather hard to get enough motivation to finish things up, so I just stuck with 70 instead... it's only a 10-minute difference anyway. Buuuttttt... STORYTIME! As I said before, I ran this run with Jacob, but during the run, we were just doing what me and Jacob do best in circumstances of running together, and we were talking about Area 51 aliens, and if aliens exist, ya know, the random stuff in life. Until we ran past the university track, next to the arb. We started going off-topic and whispering to each other things like "Olympic athletes" and "Omg this is so cool" until two pretty fast athletes went in front of us while we were running. At first, we were like, oh cool two really fast athletes just came out of the track, and are now in front of us. Then our curiosity got the best of us... and we realized that the person on the left looked strikingly similar to Libby. We had zero idea who the other person was, but we were convinced that we had bumped into Libby. At the same time though we didn't want to have to go through an awkward situation if it wasn't Libby, so we decided not to call out her name and be like "HEy LiBbY" and have the mysterious person turn there head, and actually be Nicolas cage... or someone that wasn' Libby. We needed to make sure that the person ahead of us was really Libby before we made any decision of saying a simple hello. So we continued to run forward behind them, hoping that we would be able to confirm that this person was indeed Libby. We just kinda ran and ran just thinking about if we should just call out the name, or just continue to wait until we saw her face. Many thoughts came by as we kinda just repeated the name "Libby", and we started to sound like really shy fans of some celebrity that we thought may have been in front of us. The time had finally come, and they ran into the Arb parking lot, we waited a bit, and then just YOLOed it, and ran into the parking lot as well. Jacob said "Let's run around to see if we can see her face" and I just said "OKAY" and ran right past them. Jacob then was like "wait nO" because he was desperately trying to make sure this whole situation wouldn't become really awkward, but I am one with the awkwardness, and walk among the top tier of awkward situations, so I just ran past. The time came to look and see if it was really Libby, and YEP it was. She saw both of us, and for the weirdest reason we both just kinda broke down, and the whole conversation was like, hilibbywejusthappentostopbyandseeyouwetotallyweren'tdoinganythingjustkindafollowedyouuntilyougottotheparkingbecausewebumpedintoyouwhilewewererunningbutwedidn'twanttosayanythingthing. Yep, just kinda confessed everything really fast while we ran past her, and then Jacob said "bye Libby", and I said "bye coach 4 percent" and that was the whole situation. We ran out laughing hysterically, and maybe a bit nervously because the whole situation we were trying not to make awkward went completely wrong. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.


Olivia R

...who was the other person?


Not really sure