Swim: Aqua Jogging Previous Next


3:00 PM

82 yd


36:36 / 100yd

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AQuAJoG daYY! Since there wasn't morning practice because of the night run last night, I decided that today would be the most perfect day to swim/aqua jog in replace of actually running, because aqua jogging is waaaayyy better to do alone than running is (hot take). I had a lot of fun, I tend to make random scenarios in my head while aqua jogging, or doing really anything by myself... so I had fun with that. Might have won state a few times, what can I say, I'm just too talented... While I motivated myself through my amazing imagination, I also reflected on my aqua jogging skills... because I think they are getting better??? Especially my breathing, I don't know, it just made me excited.
