Run: Easy Previous Next


8:30 AM

5.5 mi


8:39 mi


ALRIGHT, Daaaayy something something... 68: This was a tougghhh run, the humidity was pretty tough to run through. We ended up doing 3 miles of Elvis Duck to show Jacob, then gave up to find water because we were dying. On this run, my ankle was being a meanie pants on sharper turns.... aaanndddd my hip flexor was on and off today like usual. Luckily today's my day where I get my hip flexor brace from Amazon ﴾¬ ͜ʖ¬ ﴿ so you already know my life is gonna be better from here on out.

On another note, while I was walking to the school I thought I saw a runner wearing a mask while running but he was actually wearing a beautifully sculpted beard that looked like a mask from afar. Also, do you say that one ~wears~ a beard? idk.

OH, AND DISCLAIMER: when I say we gave up, we just ran to find water.. ok have a nice day.

WAIT NO ANOTHER ONE: I forgot to say that my goal is to run 40 miles this week :D now you may pass.
