Swim: Breast Stroke Previous Next


3:03 PM

246 yd


4:10 / 100yd

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We're finally closing in on the end of my swimming workout. I did breaststroke as more of a cooldown type thing because aqua jogging was a rather hard (but fun) thing, and I find breaststroke rather relaxing, so I did that to regain my energy a bit from aqua jogging. I once again breathed every other time I resurfaced from the water because I'm a tryhard. After that, I grabbed onto the edge of the pool and kicked a bit with my legs, aaaannnnddd done! That's everything I did, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm so TIRED. When I got out of the pool my legs felt like Jell-O, it was like using that indoor bike all over again! I finally understood Eminem's verse of, Palms are sweaty Knees weak, arms are heavy Vomit on my sweater already Mom's spaghetti, because I felt that when I got out of the pool.


Phoebe G

Sam, you write some of the most hilarious logs.


Thanks! I try my best.