Run: Recovery Previous Next


11:09 AM

3.4 mi


8:58 mi

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Another day passes by and I'm still confused about how I should run, maybe one day Sam Fontaine will learn how to run like a #koolrunner, but for now, I still have some questions. My first question is if I should keep running the whole week, and get in shorter running and slower-paced sessions in order to recover, or if I should just take the days off in order to fully recover. My second question is that if I do end up running recovery days in replace of my nonrunning days what should my pace be? 10-minute pace??? Those are really the only questions that have been haunting me this whole day, but if I have any more I will be sure to update the description or follow it up on the next run :D. Anyway now to the run, the run was rather nice, I ended up running a slower pace in order to get my maximized "recovery" run, but the weirdest thing happened today that happened to happen before the actual run... So we're gonna talk about that! Anyway, while I was walking to the Highschool I saw three geese patrolling the school (like the good security guards they are) doing geese stuff, I said hi to them to be polite to the geese and then noticed that they were looking up onto the roof of the high school just above where the art room is. What I saw was the scariest thing that I had ever seen! There was another goose on top of the high school hanging his webbed toes off of the ceiling... The Goose was gonna jump! I quickly panicked and realized that the goose must have had a hard day and was probably wasn't thinking straight due to his stress-related day. Me and the geese told the young goose that he had so much to live for, and that jumping wasn't the option... Sadly I was in a bit of a rush because I had to get to door 9 in order to meet up with the other runners, but when I got back he was gone. Where did he go you may ask? I don't know I asked my self the same thing, but two scenarios kept on repeating in my head. Douglas either had enough and jumped, or he simply walked away thinking about how dumb he must have felt for even thinking about it. What truly happened is beyond me at this point, but if you're still here Douglas I wish you luck on the hard journey you have ahead of yourself.

P.S. When it came to the actual run, I felt a bit sore on the opposite leg, but hopefully it just goes away like with my other leg pain did.
