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10 km


5:12 mi


161 lb
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<No name>


Sorry I haven't been logging folks my watch gps has not been functioning. I decided to time trial the 10k because I was hoping to run it this spring and oh buddy it hurt. I snuck over the fence to my local track after my warmup and did the usual race stuff. I was a little worried about my right knee because its been bugging me pretty bad. So I got to the start and I was pretty nervous because I had no clue how to race a 10k. I started and it felt oddly relaxed up until 5-6k I pr'd in the 5k with a 15:49 split, that freaked me out a bit i thought i was gonna burnout bad. Sure enough a side stitch decided to pop up at the 6k mark and stayed for about a k, but I did a fairly good job of breathing through it, I think that k was probably my slowest and probably what messed up my even split. I kinda regained a little momentum at 2k to go and closed it up. When I crossed the finish I played down and gasped for air for what had to have been 20 minutes. I proved to myself th hat I can be a legit long distance guy if I can run that solo. I'm biting at the bit for a real race even tho that's a long while a way. Also as I haven't been logging i didn't log my first 1500 2 weeks ago but i ran a 4:09


Clare Dave

crazy things can happen in the 10K! good job Al!