Run: Tempo Previous Next


11:47 PM

4 mi


8:36 mi


141 lb
158 bpm
58 bpm


68 F
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<No name>


It's good to see my average heart rate dropping on these 4 mile runs. It tells me I'm doing well in conditioning and my heart is not working as hard as it needed to earlier. I'm looking forward to finishing this week out and starting the first "Rest" week of my training. My weekday mileage one Tues Wed and Thurs are all going to increase and we'll see how my body handles the shift from 32 miles this week to 38 miles in two weeks. I'm feeling much better about my commitment level to this next Ultra and my racing this next year. It has to been since my Boston training last year that I strung together two weeks of full mileage without missing a day.
