Run: Easy Previous Next


7:10 PM

4 mi


8:36 mi


137 lb
58 bpm


68 F
  • Map

<No name>


Nice and easy little 4 miler tonight. Just trying to maintain my level of fitness and prep the body for a long 16 miler tomorrow. It's definitely going to be a difficult run. I'll have to make sure I'm prepared nutritionally, physically, and mentally for the run tomorrow. I'm hoping to keep the pace similar to what I ran today for those 16 miles. If I can it's a good indicator that my training pace is working well for these long runs and I might be able to actually race closer to these paces, which in the case of the Finger Lakes Fifties would be not only give me a good shot of winning but also be close to course record pace! It's a long shot and probably just wishful thinking but I know for sure that I will need to start doing these workouts over some good hills just to be sure I can maintain these faster paces over terrain.
