Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:30 PM

2 mi


6:47 mi


45 F


8 / 10
8 / 10
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Thursdays I am usually supposed to do a tempo 3 mile, but with me going to naperville tomorrow i have a ton of shit to get done tonight. I cut it down to 2 miles just so I could get a run in. First mile felt pretty awful. With the Cubs games on the past two nights ive drank a lot, and ate some junk food. I could feel myself pushing hard the first mile, and I went out in a 7:03. At the turn around I opened up my legs as much as i could on the slight decline that there is coming back from Saukie. It really paid off. I felt a lot more loose and consistent with my pace. Coming into the last quarter mile I was able to pick it up even more and finished in what could almost be defined as a kick. besides some lower back pain it was overall a great run.
