Bike: Easy Ride Previous Next


1:24 PM

27.9 mi


12.58 mi / hr


138 bpm
165 bpm


68 F


7 / 10
10 / 10
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Tour De Paws

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I did it! First 28 miler and first solo ride! I did the Tour De Paws 28 mile route in Moore. It's a great route and very well marked so you can't get lost! Lots of rolling hills and for 24 miles, very low traffic.

I had two goals for this ride, stay in HR zone 1-3 and make sure I took in nutrition every 45 mins. I felt pretty good most of the ride. There was some great flat and downhill stretches where I was averaging 18+ mph and those were a lot of fun but I knew every time I went downhill I knew it meant I had to go uphill at some point and those are not fun!

The last 5 miles were extremely hard but then again this was my first 28 miler and 8 miles longer than my previous longest ride so I was pretty much expecting the last 8 miles to hurt and it did!
