Run: Interval Previous Next


6:20 PM

7.2 mi


8:32 mi


82 F


7 / 10
6 / 10
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Mantua Hills


Tonight was a tough run from the McMillan plan, much tougher than I expected it to be. The run called for some anaerobic striders in the middle of an easy run. I set it up as an interval workout in my Garmin and then decided to do a long 20 minute warmup before starting the strides. Basically I had to run at accelerating up to mile pace for 25 seconds, then jog for a minute. It had been a while since I ran at faster than VO2 Max pace and I definitely was feeling it after about the 8th rep. I kept pushing through to get all 12 in. Some were on flat ground but a couple went up steep hills, which definitely took the time performance down. Still since I'm training for MCM I figured it was good practice. After the strides I ended up doing a long 24-minute cool down jog. Super humid conditions tonight...I had to change both my shirt and shorts afterwards before I could start my strength workout.

Training Plan Entry



50 to 60 minute Easy Run with Stride Workout: 10 to 12 times 25 seconds with 1 minute recovery jog between. Break up into warmup, stride session, cooldown at easy pace. RUNRR
