Run: Long Previous Next


13.8 mi


Watchless long run. I haven't done one of these in a long time. The route was the same as a few weeks as my last 14 miler. Hogan's branch out to Frey.

I felt so much better than last time. Once I got through the first 3 miles and some calf tightness, I felt great. Even the last 3 miles felt good and smooth. I remember the first time I did this route last spring, and I had to sit on the curb at 12.5 and get off my feet because I felt so bad.

I just cruised past that point still feeling smooth, no pain. I had a little tiredness, but nothing stopping my turnover.

I even feel good on Sunday morning. Today's run will tell me more, but I'm definitely not feeling as lazy, sick, or fat as the last few weeks.

Even though it was watchless, I feel like it was faster than last month ( Especially the middle miles.
