Run: Easy Previous Next


4:00 PM

3.5 mi


7:40 mi


3 / 10
1 / 10
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Felt pretty terrible. Mostly my feet were causing me trouble, blisters all along the bottoms and that TOFP (top of the foot pain) on my right big metatarsal. Ended up walking a total of a 1.5miles sprinkled into the cooldown, all on downhills to save my feet. Was supposed to be an hour run but I soon realized I was not prepared for that.

2 days of swimming or elliptical, haven't decided which would be better for me. Either way I have a interval workout scheduled for Saturday but I may have to turn that into a short easy run. Looks like I need to get more creative.

It was stupid to think I could go 16 miles the day I got back to running with a 5mile tempo segments - in far more minimalist shoe - and feel no pain. I should have planned to run in a more substantial shoe for the easy runs and only ran the tempo in these. This technique is how I will transition.
