Run: Easy Previous Next


4.6 mi


6:58 mi


75 F


4 / 10
4 / 10
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90% humidity but nice cool air. I pre-stretched and pushed myself a little bit harder to make sure my legs remember my pace. A little faster than what I was hoping for but that's a good thing. The day off probably help things. My hamstring didn't twinge at all and my arch seemed better. Things rolled on really well. Very hilly route so that makes me even more satisfied with the effort/result.

Decided to nix the training program and focus on steadying out my mileage; I'm positive I built up way too fast (as I was supposed to do 68 miles this week while, except for the last 2 months, I haven't averaged more than 40 mpw. Huge jump in 2 months time so I'm gonna chill at low 60 for another couple/few weeks with just easy and moderate paced runs and a few tempo efforts sprinkled in.

Either that or I can lower my peak mileage for the training program.... hmm. I really think I am the type that would excel from higher mileage which makes me prefer the former.
