Beginners and Beyond

What's your favorite music THURSDAILIES? (Read 201 times)

Just B.S.

    Really sorry guys. Didn't have any time to read as I was out all day and now I"m exhausted (as a few

    of you predicted!LOL)


    Swam 1 hour this morning by myself.


    Had lunch with friends, then coffee with son.


    Did errands then ran 7.5k in the afternoon.


    Back to the pool with hubby at 6:15 for coached swim.


    Now home and ready for bed.


    As to my "tease" earlier. Still not going to say much until it is 100% confirmed as a go ahead but our local

    group of runner/travellers that we went the the Bermuda Marathon with one year ago are planning a big

    adventure for will be our first time across "The Pond" and the week of hubby's 50th

    b'day and we will be running a marathon (we did Bermuda for my 50th bday)  so I'm crazy excited!!!!!!!!!Big grin


      As to my "tease" earlier. Still not going to say much until it is 100% confirmed as a go ahead but our local

      group of runner/travellers that we went the the Bermuda Marathon with one year ago are planning a big

      adventure for will be our first time across "The Pond" and the week of hubby's 50th

      b'day and we will be running a marathon (we did Bermuda for my 50th bday)  so I'm crazy excited!!!!!!!!!Big grin


      That sounds like an incredible adventure! What fun things you and your hubby do together - I'm anxious for DS to grow up so DH & I can do fun things, too. Unfortunately, we'll be well beyond 50 before he leaves the house. The down side of waiting until your mid-30s to have kids.

      20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


      Are we there, yet?

        After 8 days in a row including yesterday's substitution of an interval workout for a recovery run, I decided today should be a rest day. I've sorta been ignoring the adage that one shouldn't increase both intensity and mileage at the same time.

         2024 Races:

              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




          4 easy miles. Son of a gun it was cold.


          Better I Leave

             I got 8.1 miles in at 8:50 pace - recovery run.  Little too fast.

            8 miles at 8:50 RMT3B? Whoa. I think I can only hold that pace for about 1/2 mile. Much respect. Smile

              9.2 total miles.   20 minute warm-up (2.4 miles), 6 @ 6:51 avg. pace, 0.8 easy to finish