Beginners and Beyond


Insomniac WEDNESDAILIES (Read 44 times)

Slymoon Runs

race obsessed

    Glad you have a plan Jay and a direction.


      I have a battery of core strength, balance, and stretching exercises to do...


      Where running is concerned It seems to always come back to those three things.  Do not despair, you are but the next in a very long line of runners who have had to go through it firsthand.


      Former Bad Ass

        Zelanie - sweet!  What a contrast - they walk hundreds of kilometers to visit a church, while here we have drive-thru wedding chapels in Vegas.



        So!  PT thinks it is garden variety overuse/strain of a weak glute medius.  He checked for imbalances, found nothing damning, and definitively ruled out sciatic and bursitis issues.  I have a battery of core strength, balance, and stretching exercises to do and am to run 10 minutes a day after biking, while continuing to ice frequently.  Once the pain has dropped to zero, I'll be allowed to start ramping up run time again with focus on better mechanics.  Sounds like a plan.


        sounds like something you can work with!


        z, hola!



        Former Bad Ass

          Fortunately, I got through the Pilates instructor's head to treat me nice this week as I have the marathon.  So, she worked my arms and core to death.   At least, the legs were not worked into submission. 



            Glad you got a diagnosis Jay. It's also a great reminder to the rest of us who think we're invincible not to neglect that stuff (I probably still will).


              (I probably still will).


              Of course you will, there is no reason not to...until there is.


                Fortunately, I got through the Pilates instructor's head to treat me nice this week as I have the marathon.  So, she worked my arms and core to death.   At least, the legs were not worked into submission. 


                No pre-race massage?


                Former Bad Ass


                  No pre-race massage?



