Beginners and Beyond


Today's DAILIES: The calender says Wednesday so let's just go with that (Read 31 times)


    LRB, IRS is also closed. So...good luck!




      okay it was about as fast as I could make my chubby legs to go (hard effort, def didn't feel like anything I could sustain for a 5k and I've had better :P )


      You self-deprecate with the best of us. It's an endearing quality.



        There is one on April 6th that's a cheap, no frills local race that I was thinking of doing but I'm not crazy about the course.  It's actually the route I ran for my LR two weeks ago. There are a few hills and it's an out and back on a bike path.


        I looked back and the last time I did not do a tuneup half prior to a marathon was fall 2015. But my marathon was mid-Sept, so there was really no half available in August.  I have sort of taken it as gospel that the tuneup half is almost mandatory. But I have no earthly idea why. I have not really seen any kind of correlation - I've had a good half followed by a shitty marathon, and a shitty half followed by a good marathon. In fact it's almost a rule that they don't match up. I may be at peak fitness, but also at peak exhaustion. And it just messes with the training cycle. But sure enough I've got one planned 6 weeks before Boston. (As well as 12 weeks before.)


        Half Crazy K 2.0


          Excellent! I bought two bumpy cake cupcakes but they were and unremarkable dry so I threw them in the garbage. I ain't got not calories to waste!

          These are worth every single calorie.



            I looked back and the last time I did not do a tuneup half prior to a marathon was fall 2015. But my marathon was mid-Sept, so there was really no half available in August.  I have sort of taken it as gospel that the tuneup half is almost mandatory. But I have no earthly idea why. I have not really seen any kind of correlation - I've had a good half followed by a shitty marathon, and a shitty half followed by a good marathon. In fact it's almost a rule that they don't match up. I may be at peak fitness, but also at peak exhaustion. And it just messes with the training cycle. But sure enough I've got one planned 6 weeks before Boston. (As well as 12 weeks before.)


            yeah, my last tune up half, I felt pretty good for and that pace felt SO COMFORTABLE for most of the race... I wasn't really hurting til mile 11-ish.  Pretty much the complete opposite of my marathon where I felt crappy from the beginning


            Are we there, yet?


              I wonder why he did not target a sanctioned race. You'd figure he knew he had a shot at the record.


              He got some misinformation. He had been told, I believe by the RD, that the race was sanctioned.  He's really handled the whole situation well and since he's been getting faster each marathon, he thinks he can improve on his time anyway.  Whitlock didn't set the AG record until he was 73.

               2024 Races:

                    03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                    05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                    06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.






                He got some misinformation. He had been told, I believe by the RD, that the race was sanctioned.  He's really handled the whole situation well and since he's been getting faster each marathon, he thinks he can improve on his time anyway.  Whitlock didn't set the AG record until he was 73.


                Oh man, I can't imagine how furious I would be. I can only compare it to how I'd feel running my BQ and finding out afterwards the race wasn't certified, but x1000. He seems to be more confident than I am in a repeat performance.



                  I ran 14.1 easy miles on a beautiful sunny day.
