Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Just here for the food

    Another MAF run tonight of 8 miles. 10:33 pace at 141 bpm. I'm a bit surprised how leg weary I'm feeling, since I missed Sunday and this week's runs have been of 4 and now 8. Like I said in a previous post, this recovery week came at just the right time.


    Also, I'm really enjoying everyone's input here. I appreciate the perspective provided by runners who are much more experienced than I. Thanks everyone!


    Former Bad Ass

      Morning!  I ran 4 recovery miles this morning at 138HR and 11:39mm.  Very nice and easy.  Recovery from the Goofy is going well.



      Consistently Slow

        It has rained everyday since returning from Disney. 0 miles Cry

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter



        Just here for the food

          6 miles tonight @ 140 avg hr for 9:54 pace. Nice and cold with a stiff breeze- what's not to love?


          Former Bad Ass



            I did 4.65 miles with a friend this morning at 135 HR.  At a faster pace than yesterday's run.  Very nice weather contributing to my low HR.  Unfortunately, today's cold front (55-70F, LOL) will last only for a day.  Bah.


            runnerclay, that sucks!  Hope you get a run soon.

            Shoes, sounds like nice weather.


              It has rained everyday since returning from Disney. 0 miles Cry


              Are you that sweet that you think you might melt? Big grin


              The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


              2014 Goals:


              Stay healthy

              Enjoy life



              Former Bad Ass

                Well, he is runner "clay", so he might melt. Big grin



                Are you that sweet that you think you might melt? Big grin


                Chasing the bus

                  First, well done Disney racers!


                  Finally running again after Hawaii. I never noticed how much that night flight can take out of you before.  Did 4 mi. tues. on icy/rainy streets...it was worse than I though it would be, and tough running. At no point did I get that flying feeling I had on my gentle downhill sections in Kaneohe.


                  Last night, I ran JimmyB's treadmill MAF test, and here it is. Looking like MAF 131-133, right where it should be, though some other confusion inflections (137?), and where is my LT inflection? With my low resting HR (48) and apparently high max, I've got a broad, flat torque curve like a diesel Big grin.


                  “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                  Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

                  Chasing the bus

                    Instead of taking off last night, due to getting off work about 20 min.'s early, I decided to run my first MAFF test...here it is:


                    I think I screwed up on the timing on that first lap after 1.25 mi. warmup. That was a sub 11mm lap. Otherwise, it looks like my MAFF pace is slower than I thought, and I can't see any progress after running LHR for 3 months. Since last year was my first year of running seriously, and I'm coming back from nearly a decade of very low excercise/fitness, it might very well take more time to rebuild my aerobic base, and I need a disciplined approach or I'll over do, so I guess I'll commit to another 3 months and see where I am then, but it would be nice to see progress.


                    Have a great weekend, all!

                    1 Interval 1.25 mi 13:41.96 13:41.96 10:58 114 153  
                    2 Interval 1 mi 13:08.26 26:50.22 13:09 131 137  
                    3 Interval 1 mi 10:59.93 37:50.15 11:00 132 137  
                    4 Interval 1 mi 11:23.95 49:14.10 11:24 131 136  
                    5 Interval 1 mi 11:56.99 1:01:11.09 11:57 131 139  
                    6 Interval 1 mi 12:09.64 1:13:20.73 12:10 130 135  
                    7 Interval 0.25 mi 3:46.91 1:17:07.64 15:08 125 131  

                    “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                    Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Have you been running in different conditions than 3 months ago?  For example, when I did it through the Summer I didn't see much of an improvement because the weather went from 80s to 100s and humidity skyrocketed at the end.  Only after I ran my marathon and when the weather got down to 80F again did I see a difference.



                      Consistently Slow

                        Futhur You did a speed workout 2 days before MAFF test. Recovery can easily take 5 days.

                        Run until the trail runs out.

                         SCHEDULE 2016--

                         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                        unsolicited chatter


                        Chasing the bus

                          Have you been running in different conditions than 3 months ago?  For example, when I did it through the Summer I didn't see much of an improvement because the weather went from 80s to 100s and humidity skyrocketed at the end.  Only after I ran my marathon and when the weather got down to 80F again did I see a difference.


                          Yes...and when I started LHR I was not feeling very good about running...getting slower and tired-er. At least I quit regressing.


                          Futhur You did a speed workout 2 days before MAFF test. Recovery can easily take 5 days.


                          Yeah, but I didn't max out HR, resting HR was fine, and I felt great (today, too)...but, yeah.

                          “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                          Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                            Yes...and when I started LHR I was not feeling very good about running...getting slower and tired-er. At least I quit regressing.



                            Yeah, but I didn't max out HR, resting HR was fine, and I felt great (today, too)...but, yeah.

                            I don't "Max out"my HR during speedwork either, but can tell my next couple workouts have been affected by it even with a resting HR that stayed constant. MAF test are best done after a couple days or recovery running or rest.


                            The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff


                            2014 Goals:


                            Stay healthy

                            Enjoy life



                            Former Bad Ass

                              Speedwork affects you for the next few days no matter the pace.  It might affect you enough to increase your HR and therefore, lower the results of the MAFF.  Why not attempt your MAFF tests on a Tuesday, two days after a long run and take Monday off?


                              Chasing the bus

                                Short story, 6 miles, avg. pace 12:16, avg HR 124, hot/tired.


                                Long story;

                                The workload this week hit last night early in the run, and kept me dogged the whole time. If it hadn't been for the HRM, I would have quit early. Since it kept telling me I wasn't REALLY working that hard (avg HR 124, 7 BPM below MAF, fairly steady), I just kept telling myself to suck it up and run a little longer. I knew tonight was a rest night, and wanted to boost my mileage from last week. I want to work back to where I was before the holidays, and spend time getting used to 30 mpw before building again, but looking back, it's been 8 weeks since I ran 30 mpw, and I only ran two of those. Feel free to comment on my calendar and short term goals, which are 30 MPW and no injuries.



                                “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                                Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test