Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)

Chasing the bus

    Morning all. Worked on the knees/tendons yesterday with my own thumbs, it felt really good. I could feel it loosening and relaxing. Rolled everything good with the foam roller, then hit the elliptical last night for 20 minutes. That went fine and a treadmill opened up, so I rolled onto that and did 5 miles! My tracking app (runmeter) lost the data (did I accidentally delete it?), so no HR numbers, and pace I took from time and TM distance, but it was below MAF HR and at MAFF pace, so much better than friday night, and best part is my knee feels better than it has in a month!


    Today is a rest day. You all have a good week, hope to be back monday!



    “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
    Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


    Just here for the food

      My 15 today got shortened to 11- too cold and windy. 11 miles @ 138 for 10:53 pace. Lots of walking up the big hill, which was made up for on the way down ;-). Another injury-free week, so that's always good.


      Former Bad Ass

        Hi, guys.  Been having some issues with the asthma in the last few days but I was able to run 4 at 144HR and 11:20mm.  Not my usual speed but the lungs did not want to work today and therefore the HR was higher than normal.  Still, it was a pleasant run (albeit not record breaking, haha).


        Chasing the bus

          Lots of new activity on the LHR board!


          6@11:16, avg HR 123. Good pace,for me,  even allowing for the rest day.  Un-welcome 2 days off now, but I'm planning for a snowy long run for thurs. AM, so that will help.

          “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
          Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


            Nice easy 4 today.  It is so much easier with no wind vs the killer winds I faced last Saturday and


            Wandering Wally

              Ran 70 minutes last night keeping my heart rate at 125-130.  Had to take a few walk breaks to stay in my zone.  I haven't done a formal MAF test yet but I did notice that my first mile after warming up was ~12:30 and my last mile was ~13:30.  I'm just finishing my first week of training with a heart rate monitor and I've already noticed that some niggling aches and pains have disappeared, recovery is much faster, I'm sleeping better and my mechanics have improved.  Just slowing down really helped get my foot plant under me rather than slightly ahead.  I'm also finding that cadence is naturally taking care of itself.  I haven't measured it, but my stride is shorter, quicker and lighter which is exactly what I need when I get back on the trails in the spring.

              Run!  Just Run!


              Trail Runner Nation Podcast


              Former Bad Ass

                Morning!  I also noticed the new activity through the forum!


                10 miles last night at 150HR (10:30mm).  I wanted to do some MP miles and I felt good enough to do so which is why I ended up with 150HR instead of 145.  Still, a few months ago I would've done this workout at 11mm or thereabouts so I'm improving.



                Just here for the food

                  Back to MAF today after some hill repeats last night. 10+ miles @ 136 for 10:28 pace.


                  I'll be doing another MAF test next week, and will be interested to see how throwing in a day of hills or tempo each week affects my pace.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Bad asthma run today.  I did 6 (was supposed to be 9) with 8 X 100m.  I almost got an asthma attack today so I shut it down at 6.  The HR was not that bad during the run; my lungs felt exhausted.


                    Which means I need a MAF or slow run tomorrow; lungs need some babying. Big grin


                    Wandering Wally

                      90 minutes at 130 bpm or below.  For a little while I was feeling stressed which was showing up in my heart rate, but I found a tree to duck behind and took care of that.  Heart rate fell right back in line and all was good again.

                      Run!  Just Run!


                      Trail Runner Nation Podcast


                      Former Bad Ass

                        Hi, guys.  11 miles @ 146HR and 11:03mm.  Very nice and slow workout.


                        Wandering Wally

                          Spent 60 minutes on the Nordictrac XC ski machine tonight @ 125-130 bpm.

                          Run!  Just Run!


                          Trail Runner Nation Podcast


                            9 mile walk



                            Those of you living in New England, please be safe out there!

                            Hope the storm doesn't reek too much havoc.


                            Chasing the bus

                              Aborted my long run yesterday when my lower right knee flared again at 3/4 mi. did some research, looks like peroneal, maybe tendonitis. Did some rolling and stretching, worked it over with my thumbs. Worked it over again this am, warmed it up with some calf raises, and did 9 3/4 miles, avg. HR 122, pace 12:15. Gonna be tough to get close to my mileage goal this week again, but I got in a long run anyway.


                              Have a good weekend, everyone!


                              “You're either on the bus or off the bus.”
                              Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test


                              Consistently Slow

                                3.5 miles on grass. HR 120 /126**14:40 AV pace.

                                New shoes. New Balance* M730GO *minimalist.

                                On the half mile C/D I could a little twitch in the hips.The goal is to see if the minimalist approach will help the PF.

                                Run until the trail runs out.

                                 SCHEDULE 2016--

                                 The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                                unsolicited chatter
