Masters Running


Rainy days and Mondays Alway get me Down (Read 761 times)

    Plan to get 4 miles this morning after work and lift this evening, if I don't need an ARK.  Rained the last 2 days almost nonstop, pumped almost 6 inches of water out of pool yesterday morning.  I have not posted much lately because of our work schedule 70 plus hours will do get you down after a few days.  Plan to hit it hard this week, less hours and I also have Sunday and Monday off next week, YES!!!! so I should get some work done at home as well.  Have a great run and a better day.


      A melancholy morning as my youngest daughter (of 2) drove away for her summer job/internship.  Seeing her off took precedence over a morning run/workout.  Maybe I'll be motivated later to run a few at lunch time.  Tentative plans are to take a long weekend around our anniversary (June 11) and go for a visit.


      Rain edged south of us a lot earlier in the day for us up here Derrick.  Because of a strong wind, we are drying out nicely.  I'm going to have to see if my lawnmower still works... pretty soon.


      As a full-fledged introvert, those relay things where you pack a bunch of people in a van for 2 days does not appeal to me at all, but it sounded like you had a good time, OM.  The running a parts sound interesting.  Could I join a team but drive my own car? Roll eyes




        Hey All


        Just a quick check in and update. No run today


        No show down. Tim was a no show.


        A new PR for me. 3:26:02 !!! Thats 10 mins off my last PR. 


        Gotta run, it's travel home day.


        Happy Miles !

          Funny you should mention that about the Relay Dave59.  I'm the most introverted person on the planet but I'm looking forward to my Ragnar next month.  (But we'll see if my van-mates can stand me sitting there quietly for about 200 miles.)


          Excellent running Slo!  Super PR!  Too bad Tim didn't make it.  He must really be hurting ...


          This was a big running weekend for me, but not much else.  13.45 miles on Saturday morning, then 6 more miles on Sunday morning, making a 50 mile week.  My 1st 50 mile week in probably 6 months easily.  The body is a bit tired from the big buildup I've been on the past month or so.  But that's okay.  You should feel a little tired so the body has to adapt.


          3.5 slow miles this morning.  A couple of big workouts planned for this week, then we'll ease into a one week taper before the Bayshore 10K.  I'll get no PR this time - much too much time taken off - but we'll see what we can muster up.



          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong



            A new PR for me. 3:26:02 !!! Thats 10 mins off my last PR. 



            He SOOOO rocked that course yesterday! Brutal sustained winds of 25-30 mph with gusts up to 45 miles an hour, and 5-7 miles running directly into that nastiness. Saw the local news this morning, and the winner was 10 minutes off the pace of last year's winner because of the winds. Slo did great and got his BQ. I'm anxious to read his RR.


            I did okay with minimal training. 2:12 for the half, 13 out of 93 in my age group (and I'm almost to the end of it I might add). Managed to do what my goal was: not go out too fast and try to keep a 10:00 mile average. Wished the weather had been better. It would have been nice to stay to watch Slo cross the finish, but I was so cold I was shaking and needed to get out of the wind.  I didn't even stay to take advantage of my free beer tickets or eat my brat Sad


            Woo hoo OM! Don't you just love the smell of sweaty, unwashed runners? Tell us all about it, okay?


            Hey Mary - how did your weekend go?


            Dave - there's a nice 10K race the weekend of June 11 if you're interested Smile


            4 miles on the eliptical this morning, just trying to work some of the kinks out. Have a great day everyone.


              Great job SLO -- congrats!


              Byll -- introverted in a relay?  Not possible...


              42 and sunny this morning for 3.3 miles with Rosie.  A little over a mile in another runner with a lab crossed our path -- it was game on for Rosie.  All of a sudden she dropped the hammer and was pulling me.  I think we went by them at about 7:15 pace (a bit fast for a morning run).  Turns out it was a male lab and he was none too pleased with getting chicked.  Wink

              And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



                A new PR for me. 3:26:02 !!! Thats 10 mins off my last PR. 

                Awesome, Slo!  Congratulations. I look forward to the report.


                I've been treading water trying to stay afloat in a sea of work so I'm way behind here.  Still chugging away at the easy summer running, though. 


                DW finished a half-distance tri in about 6:20 this weekend.  Excellent time for her.  Good confidence-builder as she trains for the Ironman in October.


                So sad about Sammy Wanjiru.  All that talent.


                Easy 5.4 in swampy conditions.

                Be safe. Be kind.

                  ...yay slo//..........nice racing........






                  one day, when I'm Smarter, I will just run on SofterSurfaces, yesterday TheTrack was not one of those........



                  poolrun tomorrow,

                  hopefully with SoftWater.



                  ....................good running guys..................

                  ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                    Congratulations, SLO!!  Can't wait for the report.


                    JLynne - Most excellent job on your HM.  You did mighty fine considering you weren't happy with your training.  Guess all that x-training counted for something, huh? Wink


                    And Ms. Rosie representin' the wimmin!  Way to make us proud.


                    30 min of stationary biking, followed by 35 min of core/strength training.  Watched the space shuttle Endeavour take off for its last flight.  Always a humbling site.


                    When Karen and I were pool running yesterday, we talked about how when you're living alone you don't feel like eating, cooking, etc.  Lots of cold cereal nights.  She sent me an email last night saying that until Shorty gets home, on the nights I go to Arcata to pool run, I should go over to her place for dinner.  That way, we'll both at least get a good meal in us once or twice a week.  I'm gonna take her up on the offer.  Besides eating, it'll be nice to do something besides go straight to work then straight home every night.  This is why I am blessed to have her as my friend. Smile


                    Have a great day, peeps ~  You help keep me motivated in every aspect of my life.  Thank you ~

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                    MM #6177

                      Hi folks. Back in the saddle again, for only about a week though. Ran a nice 7-miler in the park, untimed because my Garmin has officially died. Legs felt good, albeit the quads are still talking. Yes, I'll write a race report, but I still have to decompress a bit, so please have patience with me.


                      On other fronts, I saw a notice posted by the local running store saying that they're hiring, both full and part time. I just called and they said to drop off a resume some time this week, and that they'll be setting up interviews very soon. I'm chomping at the bit for this one, because I haven't formally worked in over a year now and I think it's time, yet I have no experience in retail. Oh, and the minor little detail of that pending surgery next week... agh! What to do, what to do...


                      OK, I know what to do: I'll go take a shower. First things first. Wink


                        Congrats SLO on your PR Marathon!! Sounds like you raced great in some less than ideal running weather!


                        And belated congrats to OM on her relay!  I'm anxious to read your RR on it when you get the chance. Having done two of these, I love hearing perspectives on them from other people.  I think even introverted people can have a great time at these things, provided you know and get along with your vanmates.


                        Surprisingly, for someone who really hates being confined and idle for too long, I never felt that way during the relays. Honestly, felt like I spent more time out of the van than in the van. When one runner was out running, we usually drove a ways ahead of them, then pulled over, hopped out, cheered other runners on, waited for our runner . . . repeat. And then when we were "off duty", we were parked somewhere eating, catching a few zzz's, etc. I think it's one of those running adventures that you should try at least once, just to see what it's all about.  and I bet there are smaller local relays around if one doesn't want to travel too far, invest too much money and be committed to 48-72 hrs away from home. just in our little area, we have a couple smaller scale 50K relays.


                        Will try to get in a RAL today. "they" say we are supposed to get rain today, but it's looking pretty nice out there right now. I didn't get in the running I was supposed to do over the wknd, but it was a cut back wknd for me anyways. This is a big mileage week for me, so I told DH that I really need to get in my running time this week.


                        Leslie, I think that is a great idea of having a meal once inawhile with Karen. I can relate to not wanting to eat much or spend time prepping anything when you are alone. I had many a cereal night when I was single. Of course, I was also about 15 lbs less back then too. . . maybe it wasn't so bad afterall . . . Roll eyes


                        Mike E

                        MM #5615

                          It was a very busy weekend for me.  I kept up to date with everybody—I just never really had time to post anything.  My son did okay in his meet.  I think I posted about his 10k last Friday.  He did okay in his next two races—the steeple chase and the 5k on Saturday.  He is done, now, until the cross country season—which he likes a whole lot better than track.


                          After the meet in Aberdeen,SD, I had to drive down to Sioux Falls to load up the truck with the some of the bigger stuff from his dorm room, to bring back home for the summer.  So I went ahead and spent the night there, and drove home, yesterday.  I was getting close to home and started thinking about my run and I thought I’d call my daughter to see of she would like to do part of it with me.  (She’s 4 miles from my house—so I would run to her house—run 4 miles with her—and run 4 miles back home.)  But, as soon as I thought about her, I remembered that we had a soccer practice at 5:00.  The GPS said I should be home by 3:50.  So I pulled in the driveway—unloaded the truck as quick as I could—quickly changed into my running shorts—threw my soccer cleats, a shirt, and a water bottle in my running bag and took off.  It was 4:20 and the field is 5.3 miles away, so I had to hurry.


                          My one daughter (the head coach) has two daughters on the team and my other daughter, also, has two daughters on the team and a couple years ago, we came up with a traveling trophy for whoever came late—it’s a big ugly thing with a fish on it called the “Tardy-Sauce Trophy”.  Anyway—we all hate having that stupid thing—so I was flying down the road…with my bag of gear…I must have looked pretty odd to some people.  Oh—yeah—for some reason—my shorts were crawling up my butt crack, so I was reaching behind me trying to pull them down and figure out what the heck was going on.  As I was thinking about how silly this must look, I had to smile, which had to make the whole scene look even funnier.


                          Anyway—I made it to practice, changed my shoes, and put on my shirt just in the nick of time.  Hah—no “Tardy-Sauce Trophy” for this old man.  So, an hour of practice—and then the run home (with a little detour to make sure the grandkids were okay).  So—5.3 miles in 37:20—one hour of soccer practice—5.4 miles in 39:35.  I had wanted 12 or 13 miles, but I figured that was good enough.


                          Oh—then my DW took me out for dinner!


                          Yeah—Derrick—it rained all during the meet and the drive down to Sioux Falls, too.  It finally stopped yesterday morning.


                          Dave—I don’t think we ever get used to saying good-bye to our kids…I know I don’t.


                          Slo—congratulations on a great race!  A PR in really tough conditions—that’s cool.


                          OM—it’s nice to hear you had fun at Ragnar.  I’m looking forward to your report, as well.


                          Oh—Erika—great job in your race, too!  I hate hills!  Your pace graph looks like mine from my 1 miler last Thursday—and that course was flat as a pancake.


                          Congratulations to everybody else who raced this weekend—I can’t remember everybody, right now…


                          Oh—you know what would help pick us up on a rainy day…or a Monday?  That’s right—an Avenger Doggie post!


                          Oh—crap—this is long—sorry—have a great day, everybody!


                          Marathon Iowa 2014

                            Awesome racing this weekend by slo, jlynne, mrs. tramps and rosie!  (Sorry if I left anyone out).


                            My weekend was a lot of spectating - daughter's soccer, son's baseball.  I really have the itch to run long now, but have been holding myself back to try to heal the heels.  Maybe next weekend...


                              Funny you should mention that about the Relay Dave59.  I'm the most introverted person on the planet but I'm looking forward to my Ragnar next month.  (But we'll see if my van-mates can stand me sitting there quietly for about 200 miles.)


                              Excellent running Slo!  Super PR!  Too bad Tim didn't make it.  He must really be hurting ...


                              This was a big running weekend for me, but not much else.  13.45 miles on Saturday morning, then 6 more miles on Sunday morning, making a 50 mile week.  My 1st 50 mile week in probably 6 months easily.  The body is a bit tired from the big buildup I've been on the past month or so.  But that's okay.  You should feel a little tired so the body has to adapt.


                              3.5 slow miles this morning.  A couple of big workouts planned for this week, then we'll ease into a one week taper before the Bayshore 10K.  I'll get no PR this time - much too much time taken off - but we'll see what we can muster up.




                              oh boy,  a smack down.   I am the most introverted person on the planet!     this should be interesting.  Smile   at least we're in the same van.  


                              Slo!!!!!!!   awesome.   so so happy for you.  


                              you too Jeanne.... you always do well!  


                              Carolyn.... hi!    I can't believe you have snow.  Sad


                              15 Saturday, and this morning 7 moh.   at least my version.... I thought it was hilly until I saw Erika's race.   ow ow ow!! 


                              have to get back to work.


                              hey Tag.... are you & your dad (& mom?) going to be in Traverse City in a couple of weeks?

                              King of PhotoShop

                                Awesome SLO!  You too Ek.   Spareribs
