Masters Running


Tuesday 11/28/23 Baby It's Cold Outside! (Read 39 times)

    Insurance, medical issues and financial issues all are a pain.  Jay- that's ridiculous about the denial due to the dosage distribution!


    Holly- that's a lot of weight loss!  Is he cold at night even with what he's wearing?


    Dave- hope your ankle is OK!

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth




      Here in the banana belt, it's 40 degrees and sunny!  I did a short trail run in the state park to test out my left knee, which has been barking at me since I fell in my driveway two days ago.  I thought I'd escaped without injury since I had so many layers on, but no such luck.  It felt okay today but I'm being careful.  I ran 2.3 miles, so I'm at a prime for the month if I decide to rest another few days.


      Don't get me started with insurance issues!  I had an annual wellness checkup and bloodwork done in September, and Medicare paid for the doctor visit, but not the bloodwork.  They said it's routine labs, which are not covered.  Apparently to be covered, it needs to be coded as preventive, not routine.  I've called my doctor's office twice to try to get them to change the coding.  Tramps, make sure they code yours correctly tomorrow!

      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Holly, maybe a heated mattress pad that has dual controls, so it only warms up his side of the bed?


        Great idea!  I just ordered one from Amazon.


        Karen - he says he is cold even with the clothes on, but maybe it is just that he is not at all accustomed to being cold (while I am used to it being an issue).


        Carolyn - how is "routine" different from "preventative?"  Ridiculous.


        Tramps - since I HATE fasting (and get up ridiculously early and want my coffee first thing!), that would make me especially angry.

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          Waited until it warmed up to 37 F to go out (11 am). Temps were 41 F at the end of my workout, with some sunshine getting through the fog. No wind. Sometimes I wish the running log would record both starting and finishing temperature, as they can be quite different!  I was warm enough. Had dug out some long socks my DS had in his room to wear as it was too cold for ankle socks.


          4.5 miles on a mostly dirt path around a small lake. I did 6 slow approx. half mile intervals with 1 minute walk breaks, with walk/jog warm-up/cool down.

          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            Holly - sounds like Florida, Arizona

            or Mexico for retirement.

            Good luck.


            Tramps - me too to LabCorps yesterday with PCP's written referral for pre-op blood test in hand but they didn't get it so I get to do it again sometime before knee operation on 12/7.


            ps Jay - when DW's dosages were cut from 10mg to 5mg, the PCP just had her break them in half.


            At this morning's chemically induced stress test for the real one with a TM I was supposed to do last week but knee couldn't handle the inclines, I was told, in comparison to nothing but go in and do it for the inguinal arthrowhatever I had four or five years ago, I'm having to get all the clearances from PCP, dentist, PT, heart echo imaging and today's stress test, missed blood test, etc. just because there is time this time to do it so, I'm guessing, if something happens, they can't be accused of not checking for something that might foul up the procedure, . . . to say nothing of me. 


            Otherwise, at last, at last, the Space Needle has its annual Christmas tree shape lighting up at the top and four other of the office high rises have Christmas reds and greens around their upper floors so maybe it'[ll be a little like Christmas, after all.


            In the meantime, the fog continues to dance around our 11th floor vantage point coming in and out with flourishes blanketing the lower floors of the downtown skyscrapers and high rises to the west, then we just see the lower floors with the upper floors in the fog all the while it's doing something completely different out the kitchen window so that, after it cleared up and I walked the four blocks out the south end of the building to today's chemical stress appointment, it was still foggy and remained so for the two-and-a-half hours of my appointment which.  conveniently ending just as the sun was starting to burn through all the fog, voila!, instead of walking back, with a rent-a-bike conveniently waiting at the hospital entry, I rode the 3/4 miles over to the lakeside hillside park still in deep leaves for soe nice crunchy circuits.  It's getting so I can hardly wait for the next day's chance to go to one-or-the-other of the two nearby hillside parks I like and I've already got the lakeside one figured out by rental e-bike for nice days in the winter (when/if I become mobile after 12/7) and the other one by bus when it's raining. .


            One nice thing about being close to them is that, no matter how miserable the weather, a warm shower is less than a half hour away plus, when you're only walking, you can mitigate sweating that pours our when you're running so don't have worry about hypothermia so much, if any. Maybe I like walking, after all.

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

              dnaff//...........yep that ''for your age'' line gets old after awhile..........



              GOOD NEWS,

              one day they'll get to hear it




              ....30-min StairClimber........

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                Rochrunner - I cannot imagine being stuck in a vehicle overnight!



                Doug - being in a car all night in a snow storm - scary!


                It really wasn't as bad as all that. For one thing, I was a lot younger and more laid back about things. But mainly, I was driving our "team van" that we used to haul our dragster around the Midwest and in the back we had built a shelf with a mattress on it and kept a sleeping bag stuffed underneath. So between that, a tin of my grandmother's Christmas cookies, and a slice of my SIL's pecan pie, I made it through the night. There were some locals that came by on snowmobiles to take people to shelters but I stuck it out where I was and was one of the first ones around me to get out the next morning.


                Tramps, your experience with Vanguard certainly doesn't match ours lately with all their recent changes.


                Sorry about your illness, dnaff, and I hope you both recover quickly. That sort of thing often happens to women your age.


                I was surprised this morning when I got up and saw 21F on our thermometer, which itself is usually 2-3 degrees higher than the actual outside temp. But I had no plans to go out other than to meet up with the Tuesday biking group indoors at the senior center for coffee, scones, and the usual swapping of lies. I could have done something in the afternoon but figured I had a day off coming. Maybe an indoor ride tomorrow...

                Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                  Tet- this all sounds like a nightmare!      Holly- I'm sure they've checked his iron, but that could be a reason for being cold if it's low.  Maybe an electric blanket?  Are those still around?

                  Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                    Leslie - I'm still confused.  The first part of the house did have a kitchen, right?  And where was the heater before the addition?  I just think of "heater in the attic crawlspace" as "fire hazard."  What kind of heat do you have?



                    The addition was 10+ years old when we bought the house 25 years ago.  I don't know how big the original house was (not very big), so I don't know how it was originally heated. It now has forced air and a gas fireplace.  Given it was originally built in probably the mid '50's, it very well could've just had a fireplace as the main heat source.

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                      enke - for sure about thinking there's

                      but one temperature for logging in

                      in our runs, if not the weather.


                      KSA - I'm hoping to get some answers and reassurances tomorrow when, at least, they were thoughtful enough to schedule me for a pre-op appointment on how it's going, what they are going to do, etc. but I'm definitely in a high state of anxiety I've never had for anything before and which I'm guessing is akin to your pre-race jitters that I never really fully understood, . . .until now.


                      roch - glad you were okay.

                      Lot's of people in that, and other such situations, don't, . . . no matter what they think.


                       That sort of thing often happens to women your age.

                      roch - that would not survive in our house.

                      At least they did not call dnaff "ma'am."

                      "We're having company this weekend." 

                      Leslie - neither would that.

                      In fact, I can't imagine "friends" doing that.

                      However, I wonder if Jay's guests ever give such short notice or ever even offer to stay at a nearby B&B instead.

                      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)



                        Don't get me started with insurance issues!



                        This isn't an insurance issue, but I was pretty angry yesterday. I scheduled my annual eye exam for 8:00 AM (that's when their office opens). They have a tendency to fall behind schedule, so I figured if I was one of the first patients "in the door," I had a fighting chance of getting in and out of there in an hour (I was supposed to be to work for 9:30)  At 8:30, I was still sitting in the waiting room, and all kinds of people who had come in after me had checked in and gotten called to go in for their appointment. Finally at 8:40, I went up to the reception desk to find out what the he#$ was going on. She went to check to see where my chart was, then came back and said "I just found your chart, and you're the next patient to be called." It was 9:50 by the time I got out of there! Almost two hours for a routine eye exam? I was so angry!  And - I had to call work to tell them I was going to be late. And coming in with really dilated pupils!


                        Sorry to rant.


                        Hey Holly - all of the weight your DH lost could be having an affect on his body temperature. The heated pad is a good idea.


                        (((Tet))) Good luck friend!

                          Visitors - To be fair, The Hub has invited his buddy to come down anytime he wants.  They talk and text all the time.  For whatever reason, he decided this upcoming weekend was the weekend to do it.  We rarely ever have guests, so it just takes me a bit to wrap my brain around it.  Tammy's been our most consistent guest the last 15 years.  Seriously.  And she's EZ, PZ. We love having her.  But nobody comes here.  We're "out of the way" or some such BS.  But I'm gonna stop there or I'll get all riled up and say things I shouldn't.


                          Doctor Appts. - Some years back I walked out of a doctor's office after I sat in the waiting room for an hour then the exam room for another hour.  They tried to make an excuse for the doctor and my retort was, "Well, I have a job, too, and I can't sit here all day.  You should have called me if he was running this late." And then I walked out.

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance




                            t's a balmy 10 degrees here this morning with a nice "breeze" out of the NW. Shorts and t-shirt weather  No recaps, just a start.


                            It's a dry heat.




                             <RANT> Speaking of Eliquis, Humana denied my prescription in NM because (they told me yesterday), the prescribing doc wanted me to take 2 5mg tablets twice a day. Humana said 10 mg pills were available, and so would have wanted the prescription to be for them (same daily dosage, just a different # of pills), so they rejected the prescription. I can't think of too many things more stupid than that. So we wound up having to pay full retail ($286) for 7-days worth, and Humana won't give us a refund because the rejection was still in place when we had to get the prescription filled if I was going to be able to get started on it before we flew back. Yes, I'm looking for another supplemental prescription drug provider. <RANT OFF>


                            I'm sorry Jay.


                            Henrun - The scheduling of the heart monitor sounds frustrating.




                            Tetsujin209 - I love your crunchy circuits.


                            I got a mile on the mill plus PT. I signed up for a volunteer gig at our church's Breakfast With Santa on Sunday.

