Masters Running


Monday, May 9 Runs and Assorted Workout-Type Activities..... (Read 584 times)

    We had a wonderful visit with DS and his GF in Gainesville this weekend.  GF's family came up also so it was a real "unofficial family" get-together.  Saturday morning DS and I played golf at the UF course which I thought was really beautiful and nice.  Nicely hilly as is Gainesville in general and I never play in hills much.  Neither DS nor I played all that well but it was a blast anyway.

    Later DS and GF showed us around the new apartment they will move into later in the Summer.  It's quite small but perfect for the two of them.  They are very excited about the Apt. and about starting Grad School work (DS) and Vet School (GF) today.  Then we all went out for Mexican and Margaritas - the Best I've *ever* had.  Both the food and the drinks were excellent!


    Sunday morning I got up and ran all over the UF campus, which I love to do.  It is so pretty and hilly.  Need that!  9.25 miles at GA pace of 9:06.  I ran fairly well even though I had a bunch of tequila to sweat out and I felt bloated from the Mexican food.  Then we all went to Church which really made DW happy.  She said that alone was the Best Mother's Day present ever.


    This morning I ran a leisurely 6 miles to loosen the legs from the drive home.  Feeling Happy and very Blessed.



    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


      Opie, congrats to your DD. Wow, she is graduating already. It seems like it was just yesterday that I met her in Seattle and she was just a sweet young girl then.

      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Holly, are you excited about your new job? 



        Yes, but right now my focus is getting someone hired and trained where I am now so I can leave.  Oddly, my boss seems less concerned about this than I am....Confused       I go into the new office to sign papers and meet the team on the 19th, with the 20th as my first official day, but I'm hoping to have a couple days off between jobs so I can clean my carpets and get my small garden and some flowers in....


        Opie and Breger - some fine young'uns you have there....Smile

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."



          Very close to home, OU.  I've always told her to dream big, so she was looking at schools like Vanderbilt for a while.  Ka-ching!


          I know all about the big dreams and ka-ching factor - my DD is at Cornell.  She loves it there and we're glad she's doing so well but it's really hard to have her so far away. You're lucky your DD will be close to home.


          This getting old thing ain't for sissies!



           Big grin

          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

            Just lurking over lunch but had to drop in to say "hi" to Opie and BTY.  Very cool to see you around!  Smile


            ETA: oops, oh yeah, I ran 5.4 miles today. My "new" refurbished Garmin--replacing the one that died--arrived while I was away on Saturday so I charged it up and took it for a spin.  It worked for exactly 0.6 miles before the screen went blank. Sad  I've got it working again but don't have a lot of confidence in it.  I guess I'll give it a couple more days to see if it acts up again.

            Be safe. Be kind.

              .............. so she was looking at schools like Vanderbilt for a while.  Ka-ching!



              ...send her on down opie//..........Uncle Ted will keep an eye on her.....


              Ka-ching!! indeed,


              their FootBall Team has gotten better.



              ........RestDay.............poolrun and weights tomorrow




              hiya BTY...........somebody break the news to Johnny...

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                I've always told her to dream big, so she was looking at schools like Vanderbilt for a while.  Ka-ching!

                That ka-ching factor can vary, though. Sort of like car buying; the sticker price doesn't mean much because few students pay full price at those sorts of schools.  If you qualify for aid, you can end up paying less to go to a more expensive school than you would to go to a less expensive school with less aid.

                Be safe. Be kind.


                  4 walking miles this am in 43:30.  Sore from this past weekend.  Hardly time to touch my PC, so didn't get a chance to post.  Sat - 1st race in a long time, 5K in 22:00 21/668 OA and 2nd AG.  Sun - 9 good miles with DW.  Add in about 7 yds of mulch, and I'm glad it's Monday!


                  Hope everyone enjoyed Mom's day yesterday.

                    Holly, I wouldn't worry too much about getting someone hired and trained.  It's really not your problem any more.


                    Those puppies are so.cute!  I love their little noses.


                    Just wanted to pop in and mention it was great to have Tramps over Friday night / Saturday morning.  As it turns out both Friday night and Saturday morning he had a beer before coming back to our house, so he didn't sample any of my beer.  No matter -- he's had my beer before.


                    I have to say, that Stella Artois after the race in "celebration village" tasted great, even tho it was only 10:00 in the morning.


                    I ran relatively slowly, finishing with 1:42:19.  My RP, Pam, beat me with 1:41:XX.  I tried to tell her that I was tired because I'd run Boston and then a 5K the week before this race but that didn't hold water with her.  She ran Boston then Gettysburg marathon the week before this race.  I guess she wins that argument.

                    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


                      ditto what WRFB says about training her. Do what you can, but don't stress or work extra to get it all done. It's really not your problem anymore.


                      I'm SO far behind. Just barely had about 10 minutes to log on last night but not enough time to read much.


                      I had a nice long run this weekend. Went out for my 20 miles yesterday, not sure how I'd get through it solo. I broke it down into 3 6.5 mile loops, with a stop at my car after each loop for a couple of gel blasts and to top off my water if needed. So, I just focused on each loop at a time and for the last one I switched the direction in which I ran to see the loop from a different perspective. I think it  helped. ran it in 3:20:44.  just a tick over 10  min mile pace.


                      awww, puppies are so cute Mary - looking more doggy like, less cow-like now.


                      here' s a few of my two little ones also. will be 10 wks this Thursday.





                        Thanks for the nice welcome back everyone.   


                        6.25 miles, including 1.25 miles warm up and 1 mile cool down. The 4 in the middle were a hoot.


                        I had excuses preplanned, should today's planned 4 miles at 8:00 pace fall a little flat. I'd worked so hard on my back yard on Saturday that I was pretty sore and stiff all day yesterday, just trying to walk in an upright position.  Oh, well, if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing, I always say.


                        Mile 1, into a substantial headwind, was faster than planned, at 7:47.  I decided then and there to run a progression, since I knew I could run a little faster the next mile without much added effort, and the last two would be aided by a substantial tailwind.  Splits for miles 2 through 4 were 7:36 / 7:24 / 7:24.  I'm going to call it a Steady State run even though it's a few seconds per mile slower than what McMillan is prescribing for SS, but considering that was based upon last Fall's fitness level, it's good enough for me for now.


                        It felt GREAT to be running in the sunshine and enjoying the flora of a Northeast spring.



                          Puppy pics!  Smile


                          Holly - Your boss sounds like my old boss.  He finally found someone.


                          JLynne - Here's to your ole bod getting over all the hefting of boxes you've been doing and that you'll have a good race next weekend.


                          OM - I'm glad you have a friend to go with you to your next doc appointment.  A second set of ears is always a good thing when in a stressful situation. 


                          Re our bodies letting it all out when under stress - it would be easier on two feet.  A couple of times it was a crap shoot as to whether or not I was gonna make it to the bathroom on time.  (and yes, pun intended) Big grin


                          I'm feeling better today, but wrung out.  No more fever, but "other issues" remain.  I managed a shower without having to sit down halfway through, so I figure that's progress!  I had to carefully walk on my foot yesterday 'cause I just couldn't manage the crutches at times, and it let me know that I'm not ready to be off of them.  *sniff*  However, the nerve issue is definitely improving, so that makes me happy.


                          It's a gorgeous day here.  A friend is coming over to mow the lawn for me today.  I swear I saw a pygmy run through the back yard yesterday chasing one of the cats.

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance



                              I go into the new office to sign papers and meet the team on the 19th, with the 20th as my first official day, but I'm hoping to have a couple days off between jobs so I can clean my carpets and get my small garden and some flowers in....




                            Wait a minute, Miss Holly. I think I remember you telling us you had 7 days of vacation to use. Are you getting reimbursed for them, because I'm SURE you're not going to just give them away, right?  And I agree with the others - training your replacement isn't your problem. Your boss probably doesn't act concerned because she knows what a loyal hard worker you are and will take advantage of the fact that you want to make sure the new person is trained properly. That's just wrong.

                              Mary do those puppies ever not sleep?  Adorable still, same with yours Tammy.


                              Went out to a concert last night - The Psychedelic Furs.  That was our first date (apparently, my memory is foggy on that one) almost 27 years ago.  Of course the lead singer looked older, but not us, nope.  The English Beat played at this venue a few months ago - I would have loved to have had seen them.  Gad, guess I have never really left the 80's.


                              Well, haven't run in almost a week, hopefully I'll get back at it this week sometime.

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                More puppy pics!  Definitely uplifting.  I think I need a half-hour of romping on the lawn in the sun with some puppies, for therapeutic purposes. 


                                Leslie - I saw your schedule for the week - don't forget to take it easy.  The aftereffects of the flu can be longer than you think.


                                Jlynne - I do have vacation time accrued - 6 days now, since I took last Friday off, and she did say she will pay me for what I have left when I leave.  We have three interviews set up for tomorrow, so hopefully she will pick one.  None of them are working now, and can start immediately.  I have updated our very detailed office procedure manual, and it should only take me a day to train someone.

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
