Masters Running


Thur Sept 4 Runs and workouts (Read 444 times)

    ...40min HH run....... ......trying something new, 5-min no wgt 5-min 2.5lb 5-min 5 lb 5-min 7.5lb .......repeat up and down for Time....... I dunno, just wanted to try it....... ..................good running guys............Experiment.........

    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

      Ribs, I agree with you that the Sox are unlikely to catch the Rays, but I have always thought they just might, and the Sox are now playing their best ball of the season. Now they are only three back (but four in the loss column). The key will be their games against each other this month. Who wants it more? Last night our two boys were up late getting ready for school today. Neither boy is an early riser, so Dark Mare and I were astonished to emerge from our bedroom this morning at 6:15 a.m. to find both boys dressed and calmly eating breakfast together at the dining room table. I asked Dark Colt why he was up so early, and he replied matter-of-factly, "This way if something goes wrong I won't be late." Of course I have told him this about a million times, but he never seemed to be listening. "That's my boy," I said to Dark Mare. This is my little joke: when a kid does something good, he is "my boy," but when he screws up, he is "your son." Blueberry pancakes and sausage links at 6:30 a.m. with a buddy of mine at a diner in downtown Newburyport. Dark Mare is 50 today, catching up with me, so I dropped off half a dozen roses with baby's breath in a vase with water, and a small raspberry cake, at the school classroom where she is an aide. I may run later. Dark Horse
      I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        Yikes Ike.. we don't like him either... or Hanna WRFB.. hope Hanna doesn't make the 5K too blustery! Tim.. great control on those repeats. Hopeful.. 5 B4 bed 5 at wakeup = 10 miles in my book! Jeanne.. nice 7 and I agree the speech writers are on fire this election. And Pallin delivered nice and confidently. They all have, both sides. My problem is I can't believe anything any of them say. Remember who has a lower approval rating than Bush?... Congress. But this election is fun to watch. No nothing nada zilch today.... but I had a great dream of running on a fine gravel, rolling trial smooth as silk with no pain. That was nice. have great runs!

        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Good Morning! Denise – I agree, excellent post! Walt.RB – for me it’s not a flock of chickens but geese that block my path, hiss at me, and generally mutter complaints as I shoo them off the path so that I can pass. Teresadfp – what a nice thing for your DS to notice! DickyG – double header on Saturday? I thought you had finished the season. Tramps – hello! (waving madly) Dark Horse – how thoughtful! Happy Birthday to Dark Mare! Perch – I agree. I tend to believe that the qualities that make a person a successful politician are not qualities that make a person of good character. In my eyes, they’re ALL dishonest, reading speeches written by someone else, trying to tell each group what they want to hear, only focused on their own elections (and then reelections), rather than in doing any good for the country. Roll eyes No running for me today – light x-training instead (resting up for my run with Karin Smile ): push-ups, front raises, weighted squats, dead lifts, superman lifts, dumbbell curls, seated reverse flies, and various crunches. Happy Thursday!

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            No nothing nada zilch today.... but I had a great dream of running on a fine gravel, rolling trial smooth as silk with no pain. That was nice.!
            Same here, except my dream was running on the beach. Will rest the butterfly wings until the lead feeling on the legs are gone. The little climbing and all the trail hiking and running I did last weekend really took its toll on my legs. Happy Birthday to Dark Mare!!!!!!!!!!

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard



              Holly and Perch, I agree with you about politicians - who in their right mind would want to be President, anyway? But this is an interesting election season. Mary, that's pretty good to do two runs within 12 hours of each other. I'm with Tim, though, I like evening running better than morning. Tim, how do you manage to do such a fast workout when its 94 degrees out? You're nuts. I would have melted into a puddle and not run another step. Karin, I'm a big NPR fan and I hope I get to hear Super Granny on Story Corps! Oh, and have fun running with Holly tomorrow! Dave, nice 13 miler for a Thursday morning! Hope that lets you kick back and enjoy your Saturday with your adorable granddaughter! A lot of you east-coasters seem to have high humidity - my condolences! It's been progressively cooler each morning this week - 37 on Tuesday, 34 yesterday, and 32.5 this morning. But it warms up nicely during the day. Won't be long before the aspens start turning colors. Tramps, welcome back. No, it's Erika that's VP, not CNYrunner. Tammy, good to see you posting. Hope your DH is better and you can get some R&R&R (rest, relaxation, and running!) I signed up for a 4-race trail series at Bear Creek Lake Park, held each Wednesday evening in September. The park is right on my way home from work, and I've never been there before, so I figured it would be a good way to try out some new trails. The first race was last night. It was a 4-miler, and I finished in 36:01, which is fast for me. And a PR, as this was my first 4 mile race! Cool There were maybe 60 or 70 people, nice small race, pretty location, nice trails, mostly single track. They don't do awards by age groups since its so small; just first 3 men and women. I rolled my ankle at about 1.7 miles but after walking a few steps, decided it was OK to keep running. I iced it when I got home last night, and this morning its stiff but not swollen, so I think with a couple days rest I'll be OK for my 10K on Sunday.

              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                Wildchild - sounds like a fun series! Great time you did too. It was fun to see a little bit of speedwork in Holly's run yesterday, anyone notice that? Well, I went to the gym last night to see what kind of run I could do. 2 miles, and I only ran one of those miles. I power walked the other at a 12 to 15% incline. And that was all I could do. Sad It just didn't feel right. I am still possessed by some bug. Tonight I will try 3 to 4 miles outside.

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                  Crappy 11k run this morning. Was supposed to run EZ and I did but it was not ez. LISTEN UP - All of us know we should never try something new in the days leading up to a race, but I did not listen...saying what harm could it do::: So I tried a new side lunge on valslides which are these little slippery surfaces you put under you feet to maximize the slide. Well this morning I am super tight on the right leg and have pulled some muscles. So I will not be %100 for the race on Sunday. NOT SMART Have a great day everyone. I am taking a few extra days aftter the race to be with my dad up at the cottage, so will post on Tuesday night or Wednesday. Take care Tall

                  Recent Best times: None recently

                    5 miles on the treadmill at 8:58 mile pace. After my first day teaching high school yesterday, I have a question: is it me, or do high school girls dress like streetwalkers these days? When I went to high school in 1972-76, the goods were not on display like this. Fortunately for my peace of mind, I have never had much interest in the opposite sex. Enke, get well soon. Tallrunner, good luck in your race. Dark Horse
                    I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                      Good Morning everyone! Big grin Happy Birthday to Dark Mare. Cool Lyndenrunner - I, too, remember having to get up earlier for middle school and hating it. In our school districts, the middle schools actually start later than elem or HS. They go from 8:40 to 3:20 and my son, in 3rd grade, starts school at 7:40. So when he finally gets to middle school, it'll really be like sleeping in for him! Got in a quick run last night. I can't believe how quickly it gets dark now. Our evenings are finally cool enough to go for a late run, but then it's lights out by shortly after 8 p.m. now! I did a quick 2 mile run with the dogs. My 2 mile route is partially hills, so I combined the hill workout with some speed work on the flat parts. Averaging out about 8:15 min/miles on the flat parts and then tried to maintain a sub 10:00 min pace on the uphills - pretty steep uphills, so it had my heart pumping for sure. It was a good but short run though. I was surprised to have so much energy that late at night. Must have been those homegrown veggies I ate for dinner. I have a 10K a week from Saturday. I haven't been running as much or as well this whole summer as I was last year at this time. Last year I raced this one in 55:17. I don't think I have a PR in me, but hopefully I can at least stay within a minute of my time. Have a good day everyone.



                      One day at a time

                        Dark Horse, I don't think it's you! The discouraging thing when I shop for DD10 is the LACK of clothing that I consider acceptable! I'm not looking forward to the battles when she's a little older. My running partner and I planned on 10.6 miles today, since our HM is 2 1/2 weeks from now. She struggled from the beginning with leg cramps and dead legs. I finally asked her if she had drunk much water yesterday and this morning, and she said no! I think she was pretty dehydrated. We took quite a few walking breaks. We finished in 2:08:04, about a 12 mpm pace. We jumped into a children's fountain in the park when we were done. The GOOD thing is that I felt great afterwards - it's kind of nice knowing I could have pushed harder. Now RP knows to drink more water, so our next long run should go better. Next week we will try for 11.8 miles on the HM course, and then walk the rest of the way. Time for a shower!!

                        King of PhotoShop

                          DH, we're lucky. All boys, all boys school, and uniforms! As to the Rays-Sox, I base that opinion on pitching. Rays have it this year. You get Beckett back soon but he has a tired arm, not good in September. Happy birthday to your wife. DickyG, I'd rather hear your softball stories than follow the Texas Rangers, but we did win 1-0 last night. Unreal! As to the Beach Boys, I can't wait to get in shape again so I can race, and pass someone on the home stretch. I am forming the RR now in my head: "He's powered with ram injection but it's understood, I got a fuel-injected engine sittin' under my hood," in reference to all my new spare parts. WB Tramps. Those trail runs are supposed to be very good training for a road racer, strengthening the feet and ankles. Good work. Nice work on the track Tim. Notice I told that lazy Mary to get out there and how she listened! As for me, 5 miles in 1:18, just under 16 minutes a mile, on a beautifully crisp, clear, post-Gustav day here in N. TX, about 70 degrees. Spareribs
                            Welcome back Tramps! I was just thinking that it was time for your return. As to VP similarities---pish tosh. This hockey mom wears Carmex to games and is more like a Rhodesian Ridgeback when she has to be---no crazed pit bull. Wink Good Luck Lyndenrunner! I meant to say that before-----wings on your feet now. Happy Birthday to Dark Mare! DH says she is catching up and I am guessing she has always been a step ahead. ahem. Nice presents DH. Good work. We have to sign a pledge form about dress codes at my son's middle school. No midriff baring, knee showing, profane language wearing, unlaced shoes, hats, visible piercings (some of the teachers need that),baggy pants etc. I am happy to sign it. Super Granny and I had an awesome time with the Story Corps folks. They don't interview as much as tape a conversation. They asked her to tell me about Springfield in the 1920s when she was a young teenager and focus on the public schools. They taped for about 30 minutes and if it's aired, it's pared down to about three minutes. I have the tape and it's a great addition to my prized possessions. Way to go Teresa! Rest easy now Maraposai. After all the hiking I did in July in the Adirondacks, I was a hurting pup for a while. It didn't hit me right away either. I am glad you are taking a break. Enke, should you see a doctor? I am worried about you.... Gotta scoot Karin

                            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                              Notice I told that lazy Mary to get out there and how she listened!
                              Tongue I have to admit that you were on my mind last night as I was trudging along .... "call me lazy will ya . . . ."


                              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                                Tramps, welcome back. No, it's Erika that's VP, not CNYrunner.
                                Ah, thanks. I heard "hockey Mom" and made the obvious assumption. CNY really belongs at the top of the ticket, anyway. Good news for Erika, though. Congrats. Holly--Hi [Nodding almost imperceptibly. I'm not really a waving madly kind of guy.] Thanks for the greeting. Byll--Oh, that Ike! Run, buddy, run! Looks like Hanna will be bringing us some much-needed rain...and messing up my weekend running. Dicky--I've enjoyed your softball season. When does football start? CNY--glad to hear it. The pit bull was rather mean-spirited, sarcastic, and smarmy for my tastes. Beach Boys in Latin? Man, this place is weird sometimes. So I'm getting caught up with everyone on the phone this morning.... ---from a colleague who deadpans, "You were gone one week and they nominated a black guy to be president and a woman for VP. (pause) You really ought to go away more often." ---then my brother (who really is a long-suffering coach of his kid's hockey team and couldn't care less about politics either way) says to me, wearily, "Yeah, I heard about that Alaska hockey Mom. I'm not surprised she thinks she can run the country. They all think they know how to run the team." Apparently, everyone's a comedian. BTW, after not having it for a week, my DW and I now agree that one of the greatest inventions of all time is the automatic grinder/coffee maker with timer. I don't understand how our forebears ever survived without one.

                                Be safe. Be kind.
