Masters Running


Steamy Tuesday, June 19 (Read 476 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Good Steamy Morning!!


    {{OM}} Sorry about the job situation.   You can use the free time to recuperate and enjoy the summer though.


    Hang in there Leslie, you are a strong woman.   I bet that power walk felt great.


    MikeE – you are a great grandpa!


    Good to see Slo back again.


    I have a story for Avenger Doggie.   Last night I was outside with the dogs, when they start taking interest in an outdoor rug hanging on the fence.   Next thing I know a chipmunk is falling down on the ground and Hailey has it in her mouth.   I start yelling and she drops it, only to have B’Nellie pick it up…and she starts running towards me thinking that maybe I’ll be happy and want to see it??   Whatever, I’m kind of screaming and running for the house with her chasing after me with it in her mouth!   DH said I just barely got the slider door shut because she was right on my tail, ready to run into the house with it.   He got a good laugh out of the whole ordeal and took care of things from there.    Yuck!


    4 steamy miles this morning with Brinkley.   I was going to leave him at home today, but he was so excited to see me get ready for a run, I just could not leave him behind.   The last mile was a run/walk mix because he was getting pretty hot, and my HR was getting up there too.  


    Happy Tuesday!!


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



    Trails are hard!

      with the amount of holes that chipmunks are digging in our backyard, I'm a lot less sympathatic towrds them these days.  Max is not quite quick enough anymore to catch them, though.  might have been entertaining if she had beat you to the door Wink


      Nice drippy 3.1 miles this morning.  70° at 5:30, so I didn't even bother putting on a shirt to start.  I knew i wouldn't have it on at the end, so why get it soaked to start?  I had planned on an easy run after an equally drippy yoga last night, but after  the first mile, I was right around 9M/M (which in my present state is close to tempo Roll eyes Wink, so I kept going.  This seems to happen after yoga a fair amount.  must still be good and loose the morning after.  Whatever, I'll take it.

      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



        Continuing the steamy theme I did 5.5 this morning after a day of swimming (30') and yoga. Have had continuing back aches but they seem related to cycling. Too bad, because I really enjoy cycling and am reluctant to give up my 2 bikes and switch to a recumbent. Will continue stretching, yoga and heat. Fortunately back aches don't interfere with my running.

        Off to the Berkshires on Thursday for 4 days-mostly cultural and family events.  Next week DD and family in Hampton Beach for a vacation-will see them next Thursday. A busy rest of July in the offing!


          Gotta add to the critter stories I've been reading lately. I have 2 or 3 bird feeders in my garden that are supposed to be "squirrel proof." One has a pretty thick cover that the squirrels have figured out how to maneuver their bodies under and pry it off. Then, they just crawl right into the feeder and help themselves. Tried greasing the poll with WD40 and that would work for a few days but then they'd be back. I finally got duct tape (hey, that stuff works for everything, right?) and TAPED IT DOWN CROSSWISE. This morning I looked out there and the damn things were back in it. They had gnawed right through two layers of tape and got the lid off! I was so surprised with their efforts I decided to let them eat. Anyone got an idea how to keep them out?


          (((OM))) Glad your recovery is going well and I know there's another job waiting for you out there.


          Glad you had a good trail walk yesterday Leslie. I'll bet it felt good to be back out there.


          Avenger Dog - Smile You have the best stories. Wish I had a dog just like you.


          Enjoy your vacation Deez! Holly, it sounds like you could use one.


          How's the landscaping project coming Mary? We could use some updated pictures please.


          I walked 6 hot sweaty miles this morning, first time out without the back brace because it was just too warm to wear it. Felt okay! We had a bad storm come through here yesterday and had some huge tree branches snap off in our back yard. One just missed the house. I was shocked when I got home from work and saw the mess we had to clean up.

            [[[[[ om ]]]...........those guys are idiots, and I think we should burn the place to the ground....



            that's just my opinion.




            ....25min poolrun,,,,no steam, no critters, trunks stayed on,  Life is Good.


            possibly hiking tomorrow


             if I can survive moving my VersaClimber to a buddy's house

            I can't use it anymore


             ironically, MOVING it could hurt me.


            Living on The Edge here.




            .....................good running guys.......enjoy the work-out, if you're not, CHANGE SOMETHING//////

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

              13 slow but not-so-easy miles.

              On the plus side, there was absolutely no chance whatsoever of my getting frostbite.

              Be safe. Be kind.


                No frostbite here either.... 6.5 miles in HHH. Legs and ankles still barking about last weekend. Time to slide into some marathon training too so they need to be quiet. Possible swim later.


                {{OM}} sorry about the job.


                I bet Karin and Holly are running together this week!  


                I too have turned against chipmunks. They dig holes all through the yard and eat what little I manage to grow. rats with a fancy coat. Avenger needs to get em, get em.


                Happy Tuesday!


                  well, since there's still a critter theme....



                    4 miles running and a gym workout. No end in site of this utterly miserable weather.




                    MM #6177

                      well, since there's still a critter theme....


                      Oh that poor confused doggie!


                      Thanks for the hugs folks. Yeah tomwhite, MrOM said he was never going to shop there anymore. Not that he ever did before, but still... Wink


                      I'm feeling pretty good today, all around. Still waiting for a callback from the doctor's office regarding getting this drain taken out. And because it takes me so long to get dressed and maneuver with all my paraphernalia, it's already past 11am and I haven't gotten outside for my walk yet. Super hot and steamy here. Looking forward to the sweat, though.


                      Happy Tuesday, all!

                        OM, sorry about the job.  dg, that's a cute video.


                        I woke up with what I call a "running hangover," a headache the morning after I do a hard run at night.  A couple of ibu and I feel all shiny and new.  I wanted to post so I could share an interesting article,  It deals in part with dewpoint which Paul & I just discussed when we ran together Thursday night.  I checked wunderground & the dewpoint was 63 last night when I ran.

                        "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                          You need on of those bird feeders that zap or spin the squirrel off JLynne.  A couple of years ago I had the same problem with the squirrels going right down the tube and helping themselves.   Then we went on vacation and came back to one that got stuck in the tube - in weather similar to what we are currently having.   Needless to say, I had the whole feeder taken out to the dumpster - yuck!!!!


                          I no longer sympathize with the chipmunks either, but I don't want one in the house as a trophy toy either!  LOL


                          Cute DG!!  Smile


                          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                          Marathon Iowa 2014

                            {{{Leslie}}} - How does the barking foot feel today?  Hope you didn't overdo it yesterday.


                            {{{OM}}} - You have the right attitude about the job.  You'll find another one fast (if that's what you want).


                            A little lifting, followed by a little 10 miler this morning.  Very sweaty in my hog's breath tank top.  Found a nickel on the run (found a quarter on Sunday's run).  Normally I don't pick up pennies, nickels or dimes, but it looked like a quarter this morning.  And once I pick it up, I'm not putting it down again.  Gettin' paid 15 cents per run (on average).  Nice!

                              Busy weekend.  Our daughter graduated from her internship and we moved her back to MI from Peoria.  I'm a bit tired and sore from driing the UHaul trailer and the loading and unloading.  Sandy got back to E Lansing about noon on Sun and was working by 2:00 PM.  She also worked on Mon.  


                              Our computer is at the computer hospital so I am on a computer at the local library.  I hope it gets fixed soon.


                              I skimmed over the posts since last Thurs and see there were lots of good runs.


                              This morning, I was tired and sore, it was in the low 70s and humid and I settled for 4 miles at a 10:34 pace.


                              A good day and good runs for all.



                              Marathon Maniac #957


                                Living on The Edge here.



                                Big grin



                                82° and 87% when I woke up at 5am – I think that may be the warmest temp I have seen here at that time of day.  What a joy, though,  to start the day with a run with CNYrunner!   As usual, the time went all too fast as we caught up on each other’s goings-on.


                                6.2 miles with Karin at a frisky (for me) 9:23 ave pace, plus .8 mile on the TM to make an even 7 miles for the day.


                                DH called me at lunch to say that he has suddenly decided that, due to his diabetes, he wants to quit drinking completely.  This is good.  However, he has decided that, if I love him, I will quit drinking completely as well.  I’m not sure how I feel about that.  I don’t drink a lot, but on LR day I do enjoy a couple glasses of wine, and sometimes at other times as well.  I do want to support him, but don’t think I need to spend the rest of my life alcohol-free to do this.  And, truth be told, he rarely drinks anyway, so that is not really causing problems re his diabetes.  It’s the Oreos, and chips, and fried foods and eating out every day during the week, and being 65 lbs overweight.  So, giving up drinking is not exactly a hardship for him anyway.  I wonder if he would be able to give up eating out, you know, to show his love for me.  I suspect that this is going to create a big fight tonight.    Undecided

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
