Masters Running


Thundering Thursday, May 12 ...... (Read 530 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Luckily today was a scheduled rest day for me.   Lots of thunderstorms last night and knowing how scared Momma Hailey is of them, I slept with one ear open waiting for her to bark to come in.   She did really well throught the first batch, too busy with puppies I guess ... then at 12:30 a HUGE crack of thunder or lightening strike scared the bejeebers out of me, so I went out and let her in with me for about an hour until the rest of the storms passed.     She's got it good though - air out in the pole barn - air in the house is out of order.     Just call me sleepy time gal today.


    Weather predictions for Saturday keeps getting worse rather than better.    Not sure what I'll do ......


    Good luck this weekend OM!!  


    {{{Leslie}}} Hang in there girl.   You can only take it one step at a time.   Good to hear your Hub is doing so well.


    Byll - how far will SteveP be from you?   


    I don't think my pup is Tammy's neighbor.   Tammy they did live in Veneta by Eugene, although I know they did move.    If you hear them calling the dog "Rawley", that is our girl!!  Wink




    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


      Byll - how far will SteveP be from you?   


      Mary, our place is about 100 miles north of Traverse City.  I hope to see SteveP in TC - I have each of the last 2 years - and I hope he is able to join us for the after-party.  Him and anyone else for that matter!

      OM, best of Luck at Ragnar and have a Blast!  We'll talk afterward so you can give me any tips you learned.


      I decided to sleep in this morning as yesterday's 4AM wake up had me tired all day.  I'm sure the workout had something to do with it as well.  It felt great to catch up on the sleep.  Definitely the right thing to do.


      Go Heat!



      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Good Morning!


        OM - good luck and have a great time!!


        My trainee should arrive any minute, so not much internet time until later.....


        5 easy-paced miles in 72 degrees with 91% - first time for this kind of warmth at 5am around here, but I am not complaining one bit...

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

 day here too




          for double weight sessions


          ..hopefully the thrunderboomers will be gone tomorrow for my2nd RunDay..


          ..............good running guys

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


          Trails are hard!

            I think Mary might be refering to your southern location, Byll.  The Batman clan is heading to Port Richie (?? I think??) shortly.


            ETA:  I did do 3 miles yesterday without either knee hurting.  But boy, I can't believe I was able to go 13.1 a month ago.  Fitness goes away fast. Roll eyes

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              Yep Stumpy!    Byll - he's heading down to Newport Richie.... I wonder if Avenger Doggie gets to go.  Wink


              Funny after all the storms last night, that this is in the paper today:


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                Morning everyone.Those storms passed through here yesterday Mary. Good day to sleep in. Is your race THIS Saturday?


                Bill - it's so great to see you running well again. It's almost like you were never injured.


                Hi Tom! Nice to see your post too, Kevin!


                Holly, good luck with the "new girl" today. She's got some pretty tough shoes to fill. Do you think maybe one of the reasons your boss has been so laid back about this whole thing is because she's going to retire?


                4 miles, 9:26 pace for me this morning. It was already 59° when I left the house and very humid. First time out in shorts and t-shirt this season! I was soaking wet when I got back. I've got my last PT appointment this morning, and I'm really hoping he can stretch all the tightness out of my right leg so I'm good to go on Sunday.


                Good luck OM!! Be prepared to not sleep for a while Wink Don't forget to throw some extra TP in your van in case the porta-potties run out, and take lots of pictures!


                (((Leslie))) You've been a rock through these last couple of months.


                Safe travels Slo. Anyone hear from Timbo?




                  7 miles, last 2 @ MP. Felt labored until I got to the 5 mile mark and picked the pace up. Then i felt good. I'm not acclimated to the humidity yet.


                  It's Friday for me ! Woo Hoo...c'mon 4:00 !


                  Here's my next event. 




                  Check out the video...pretty awesome for a self produced promotional video.


                  Good Luck with your Trainee Holly.

                    Yep Stumpy!    Byll - he's heading down to Newport Richie.... I wonder if Avenger Doggie gets to go.  Wink


                    Okay, let's try this again.  Smile  New Port Richey is about 275 miles northwest of us - it's north of Tampa of the west coast of Fla.



                    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                      OrangeMat, have a blast. Remember Relays are for the fun in the van and the wonder camaraderie with your team mates. I have not done a relay for two years, I hope to do one maybe next year, if I am invited to join a team. Your midnight run will be unforgettable.

                      Stumpy, it is good to see you running again. Your fitness will be back quickly.

                      Slo-Hand, good luck on your marathon this weekend. Please give a hug to jlynne.


                      Well, the wiseone (aka SpareRbis) in his infinite wisdom sent me to the track last night to do a little well known test, the Yasso 800, which I have never done before. 10x800m in dream marathon finish time, which is 4:00 for me with same recovery time. The thunder clouds and some wind showed up to keep me after 2 miles of w/u this is what I did:


                      Just the times:

                      1 3:58-  all of them with a 400m interval run which turn out to be around 4' no matter how slow I ran or tired I was.

                      2- 3:55

                      3- 3:58


                      5- 3:56

                      6- 3:58

                      7- 3:58

                      8 - 3:59

                      9 - 3:56

                      10- 3:58

                      Almost socked to see that I was able to finish this w/o since I had a hard HM just on Sat. 12 miles yesterday last night. Like OM would say, onward and upward...This morning, just two easy miles to recover.

                      Have a great Thursday, my friends.

                      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                      King of PhotoShop

                        Wait until Mariposai finds out the name of the person in the United States who is most excited by her workout last night!


                        No run for me today.  I'm doing the Katy Trail 5K in Dallas with my RP.   Spareribs


                        Marathon Iowa 2014

                          Hey Ribs,


                          Happy Trails to you.


                          I just went 11 this morn, watching Body of Lies in the cardio cinema.  That movie was on the schedule to be shown two weeks ago.  Coincidence?

                            Great article, Mary!  Smile  Puts to mind the way our cats scramble if they hear a doorbell - either in real life or on TV.  Wait a minute - there could be an opportunity for torture in there.  (heh heh heh . . .  Wink )


                            OM - Have a great time!  And PS - When you're sweaty, etc., baby wipes work better than TP. 


                            LOST: One motivation belonging to a 45 yowf.  Last seen wandering through the redwoods of Northern California.  If found, please contact Leslie at 555-555-5555.


                            My brain wouldn't shut off last night, my foot was uncomfortable and hot, and even though I'm in a king-size bed by myself, two of my cats found it necessary to attach themselves to me all night.


                            Will try and force myself to workout this evening.


                            Have a good day ~

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              Hang in there Leslie!


                              Hey Slo--good luck in Green Bay!  Great video, too.  I liked this--"Prizes: Winner gets a band-aid." 


                              The big TC 1 Miler is tonight.  I'm kind of nervous about it.  The racing team I'm on asked me to join their group a couple of years ago because I was 49 and just about ready to turn 50.  I think they thought they'd be getting a "young guy" to help their Grand Master Team win the USATF MN Team Circuit.  And...right after turning 50, I was able to help them win it by running really well in the last race of the year.  But Achilles Tendonitis flared up and I struggled the next year until, finally, I had to take 6 months off.  I've been back at it and my training times have been coming down, but I'm still no where near the level I was.  We've had 2 races this year and I was not able to participate in either of them.  We are not doing that great as a team this year and I really want to do well to help them out.  So...I'm nervous...



                                The big TC 1 Miler is tonight.  I'm kind of nervous about it.  The racing team I'm on asked me to join their group a couple of years ago because I was 49 and just about ready to turn 50.  I think they thought they'd be getting a "young guy" to help their Grand Master Team win the MDRA Team Circuit.  And...right after turning 50, I was able to help them win it by running really well in the last race of the year.  But Achilles Tendonitis flared up and I struggled the next year until, finally, I had to take 6 months off.  I've been back at it and my training times have been coming down, but I'm still no where near the level I was.  We've had 2 races this year and I was not able to participate in either of them.  We are not doing that great as a team this year and I really want to do well to help them out.  So...I'm nervous...


                                Don't think -- It hurts the team...




                                Don't think, just run!


                                You will do fine.

                                And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx


