Masters Running


Thundering Thursday, May 12 ...... (Read 530 times)


    Have a great time OM! and I second Leslie's recommendation on the baby wipes. I used alot of them. felt good at times just to wipe your face clean with a baby wipe.


    I emailed with Timbo briefly yesterday. He's alive and well (still has the back pain he wrote about last week), but biking and running, which oddly is the thing that gives him some relief. He's been w/o a phone since the wknd (in case anyone has tried contacting him) but should have a new one today maybe?


    nice 800's for you Mari!!


    thanks for the input on pacers yesterday. I might give it a shot. If I do, I hope I get a pacer like Opie. I guess he was sort of my pacer at Newport for most of the distance and he really did help me keep a consistent pace. and of course, his chatter Wink  made the time go by easily too. but like Diverman mentioned, I'll be ready to run my own race/pace if the pacer is just not well suited to me. I'm primarily a solo runner anyways, even when I participate in local races here, I rarely run with people I know - I do my own thing.


    btw Opie, nice run for you last night also. So good to see you getting back to it. Are you going to keep up with your biking also though?


    Mike E

    MM #5615

      Don't think -- It hurts the team...




      Don't think, just run!


      You will do fine.

       Yep...I're right.  I'm, usually, pretty good at the "don't think" part in all other areas of my life...

        thanks for the input on pacers yesterday. I might give it a shot. If I do, I hope I get a pacer like Opie. I guess he was sort of my pacer at Newport for most of the distance and he really did help me keep a consistent pace. and of course, his chatter Wink  made the time go by easily too. but like Diverman mentioned, I'll be ready to run my own race/pace if the pacer is just not well suited to me. I'm primarily a solo runner anyways, even when I participate in local races here, I rarely run with people I know - I do my own thing.


        btw Opie, nice run for you last night also. So good to see you getting back to it. Are you going to keep up with your biking also though?


        You're too kind.  The Clif Bar pacers are good, too.  I ran with them some at Eugene.  As to the cycling, it's a tricky balancing act because I would like to keep it up but there's only so many training hours in the week.  I thought I needed to keep at least one evening ride per week but I substituted that out with the duration of the run being about the same last night and was unsure I could pull that off so soon.  I would like to keep steadily building (peeking around for Mustang Sally) and avoid the temptation of high-intensity running until I get back to a 40-mile base or so and that doesn't leave much time for the bike as I mentioned.


        Rest day because my running stuff is packed for our trip to Muncie.  More puppy news-Maddy is getting huge and I'll try to get a picture when we get back.  Both dogs will be at the kennel.

        "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

        Marathon Maniac #957


          Funny after all the storms last night, that this is in the paper today:

           Very cute!


          Mariposai - Rockin' Yassos!


          MikeE - I'm betting you will do great!


          Tammy - my PR marathon was run with a pace group, although the last couple miles I took off ahead of them.  Like you said, the chatter helps the time go by, but I was always watching my Garmin as well, ready to go it alone if I needed to.

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          King of PhotoShop

            Hey PBJ!  We Netflixed "Black Swan" last night.  Somebody here explain to me what it was all about.   Spareribs

              ...right after you tell me what NetFlix is......

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                ..jsut kiddin'

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                  OM  - have fun in the relay


                  mariposai - greta job on the Yasso's


                  Holly  - take it easy on the trainee, and good luck in your new job


                  1st real speedwork in 3 yrs this am.  1 mi w/u  2 mile tempo (6:57, 6:59) and 2 mi c/d.    Originally thought abouit a 3 mi tempo, but realized that might be pushing my luck.  Feels good to be in "training mode"  instead of just running.  Not sure what I'm training for yet.  I'll figure that out later.


                  Enjoy your run/workout, etc everyone!

                  Marathon Maniac #3309


                    Rest day because my running stuff is packed for our trip to Muncie. 


                    Hey, that's where I live....when will you be here ? 


                     I thought I had more time to post something about my back - mouth - and the GB Marathon - but don't right now. I'm heading in now to have a titanium implant repaired that was put in last Thurs. The Periodontist thinks the post (or whatever it's called) cracked my jaw bone when he torqued it down..........makes me feel like a damn car. They gave me a pethidine injection to help with the pain - YEA ME. I don't know whether I mentioned this or not...but I had two teeth knocked out by a drunken idiot who was trying to get into my Apartment. When I opened my door to take care of the situation.....bam, he bull rushed through my door and the door hit my mouth and knocked two teeth out. Great too.............$6200.00 so far and I have no dental Insurance. I have to wait for the drunk idiot to be prosecuted before I can seek any restitution.....that sucks, and I'm sure he doesn't have the $$$ anyways. This actually happened a few months ago, but it took so loog to get fixed because I had to have bone grafts done.


                    I've been cycling more, and running less, but cycling hurts my back wayyy more than running ??? Just so Ya know, I'm not taking Hydrocodone anymore (that was only a short term solution to my pain). I've only ran 3 or 4 times in 2 weeks now (I think) and last night I went out for a test run without being doped up. Well, to start with I couldn't tie my own shoes - could barely pull my running shorts up - and was limping...... But I did manage 10 miles (1:14) with 5 miles of tempo work just cruisin' along - (36:35 - 7:17) so I'm still good speed wise. At one point my shoe came untied and it had to look ridiculous to bystanders seeing me "try" and bend over and tie it.....UGGGG, this really is a frustrating thing.  


                    Be back later.......but I still don't know about the Cellcom M yet because of my sciatica, and the nerve pain down my right leg (I've NEVER in my life felt something so painful - ever. I have a Gal back doctor who said she had Sciatica once a few years back. She said her Sciatica was WAYY more painful than childbirth - WOW.


                    Be back after they work "under the hood" of my mouth, and find out if it's ok to run a Mary after my oral surgery. I would just go to Green Bay for the fun of it, but....I promised myself I would only go if I could run well 


                    Sorry I kept some people hanging about this.....I know I keep saying this, but I have to stay away from RA for my own good... 


                    Thanks Tamaroo for letting me know....oh, and I have a new cell now



                    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                      Happy Friday Eve.


                      I drove my running team for the Workforce Challenge (used to be the Corporate Challenge) up to the course today, and led them on a 3.5 mile tour of Albany's Washington Park. It's really beautiful up there right now, world-famous for its tulips. Last weekend was the annual Tulip Festival. Unfortunately, along with its beauty comes a lot of foot traffic and car traffic in the areas around it, so we had to take a lot of evasive measures.  


                      I decided that yesterday's progression run, while not strictly Easy Running, was not so hard as to preclude my running today's tour of the course as an Intervals workout. I just did a .5 mile warm up, then ran Cruise Intervals  at 7:00 pace for a mile at a time, alternating with 1/4 mile recovery jogs to full recovery.  I was right on pace, with just a couple of miscues, such as taking a wrong turn on one repetition and going a little too far on the last one.  Neither one of those instances should repeat itself next Thursday, since a) there will be a few hundred people leading me through the turns, and b) there's a FINISH line telling me when to stop.  But if I average the same pace that I ran the CI's in today, I'll break 24:30 over 3.5 miles and have a shiney new PR for the race.  I'll have to run about 6:51's for a distance PR.  I'll need to be well-rested for that.


                      Also did 3 sets of bicycle crunches for the abs this morning.  After falling off the core strength wagon about a monthago, I am securely back on, doing ab work one day and pushups and squats the next. 


                        I'm not making fun of your situation Tim but when I read this a little diddy went streaming thru my brain.


                        Ever watch Hee Haw ?


                        Gloom, despair and agony on me

                        Deep dark depression, Excessive misery

                        If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all

                        Gloom, despair and angony on me!


                        Heal up...Shake off the juju. Ya got my number right?

                          Hey Tim.  "Doc, it hurts when I do this."  "Well, then, don't do dat."   A nephew is getting married there this weekend.  If I have time, I'll slip away and run at Ball State or maybe the rail to trail like I did last time I was there.

                          "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


                            Good afternoon.  Nice to hear from crazy Tim..Cool  Good  luck this weekend.


                            No thunderstorms here and actually a decent day. Partly sunny and high 60s.


                            I ran at lunch, about 8 miles, from the Y to behind the baseball stadium then on the short riverwalk path and   on the bridge across the Merrimack and onto another paved rail trail  path there which goes over through the west side of town.  Not bad for manchester.  Eventually that path will be connected to a longer dirt rail trali in Goffstown, at which point we will probably route some of the Manchester Marathon more onto paths for the second half.    A old trestle bridge over a river needs to be replaced before that happens.   My DD teases me but I am sucker for rail trails. Partly  it is becuase there are so few around here and I am usually running on hilly roads with cars, and partly there is a historical aspect which is cool.  I like to get off the pavement too when I can.


                            OM, have a great time in the relay!!  Leslie, hang tough and take care of yourself {{Leslie}}

                              We Netflixed "Black Swan" last night.  Somebody here explain to me what it was all about.   Spareribs


                              I haven't seen it, but that was exactly my friend and her daughter's thoughts. Big grin


                              Hee Haw was watched every week, either at our house or my grandparents'.


                              MikeE - You're gonna do great!


                              TimBo - Re your dental issues, see if you qualify for any assistance through this program.

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance



                              MM #6177

                                I am SOOOOO glad I ran those couple miles last night! There is no way I'd have the patience to run this morning, or even this afternoon, with all the running around I've had to do today. I mean, it's just after 3pm here and I finally got a chance to have some lunch! Probably ate too fast because I was too hungry (figures, the one time I leave the house for errands without an apple in my bag), and now I have indigestion...Dead


                                Anyway, so the laundry's almost all done and I'm poised to pack my bag. Trying to delay that process though, since the hurry-up-and-wait part of it all really doesn't sit well with me. Yes, I know I'm stressing. Yes, I know I should breathe. Roll eyes I'll go work on that now....


                                Hey Timbo, nice to see you! Feel better, ok?


