Masters Running


Windy Wednesday Workouts and Stuff (Read 525 times)


    Good morning good people! I haven't had the opportunity to start the daily for a while. 6 miles this morning, 9:43 pace. My last attempt to feel confident about the half marathon next Sunday did not make me feel really good. Oh well, I'm blaming it on the wind. Stuffed race packets and goodie bags for 4 hours yesterday. The usual race stuff - Biofreeze, water bottles, info for other races. They had a fantastic turnout and finished the packets for the marathon, half marathon, relay and 5k races. That's over 10,000 people.


    (((Leslie))) Good luck today. Be strong and know that we are with you in spirit.


    Holly - getting excited yet?


    Dave - is this the weekend you're moving your daughter to Green Bay?


    Where has Tim been? Tammy - is he running the Cellcom this weekend?


    Off to school, then working the city track meet after that. Love those things! Have a great day everyone.


      Easy workout day for me: 1.5 mile run to the gym, little bit of a workout, and run the same route home.  A better than nothing day.


      Jeanne - My daughter is moving there the day after the marathon.  Her boyfriend got an internship at the same place, so they are driving up together in a mini-convoy.  I can't quite justify the trip, especially after having just driven 1000 miles last weekend.  I'd have to come up Saturday to watch the race on Sunday and then wait around until late Monday for my daughter to arrive.  I'm going to wait for her to get settled and then come up for a visit.  It almost worked out though.



        Good morning Jeanne, Dave and all who follow!  Prayers to Leslie.  Wind sucks ...  No wind here.


        This morning I ran the toughest workout I've done since I was training for the Twin Cities Marathon.  4 miles easy warm up then 7 x 1/2 mile at 10K pace, 2 minutes recovery between each.  Then 3 miles cool down.  11.85 miles altogether.


        The 1/2 mile repeats came in at:

        3:51, 3:47, 3:47, 3:51, 3:52, 3:48, and 3:42


        Very Happy with that!


        By about the 3rd repeat I wasn't at all sure I'd be able to finish this one off but I got through it - well into the CV zone on the last couple.  I really needed to put in some 10K repeats today as my 10K is looming very soon.  There will be no 10K PR this time but I'd like to run it solidly anyhow.  I can tell my legs are going to be toast tomorrow.  So a short recovery run probably.



        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          Good morning!!


          You will do just fine this weekend Jeanne!    Just getting amongst all those other runners will turn the adrenaline on.     I've been wondering about Tim-bo too .... he's been awfully quiet!


          A better than nothing day indeed Dave!!




          Well, I intended to do 5 today, but my body had other ideas. Into the first mile, I knew that I needed to get home for the bathroom so Brinkley and I only made it 2 miles.  Then I get a big bloody nose....great!   I debated tempting fate and going back out,  so I  rolled the dice and took B'nellie out for 2 more miles.   All went well and she enjoyed getting out there with me again.    It was a pretty warm 60° too!!


          Happy Hump  Day!


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


          Mike E

          MM #5615

            Good luck, today, Leslie!!

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Jlynne – I truly believe you will do better than you expect, and besides, we love you regardless of your race performance.    Smile   I’ve never used Biofreeze, although I’ve gotten samples of it at expos.  Does it work well?


              Dave – 1000 miles driving in one weekend – ouch!


              Breger – nice workout!  I admit I’m envious of your speed.  All this marathon taper/recovery/50K taper/recovery crap has me slower than dirt right now. Sad   After the 50-miler on July 9 (or the 50K if I wimp out on the full 50), I’ll take 2-3 week’s recovery and hopefully hit the speedwork in August.


              {{{prayers for a good day for Leslie}}}


              4.15 slow and easy miles in 64°, followed by 30 minutes of miscellaneous core and upper body work.


              My boss has chosen an applicant, and I will call her soon to see if she can come in tomorrow and Friday to train.  So, after Friday I will be done here, and have Mon-Wed completely off work (although I have a couple appointments to sneak in there).  We'll probably suffer a bit from the change in pay periods, but at least I get next week completely paid for in vacation time.   Smile

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


              MM #6177

                Here's some more hugs and prayers for you, Leslie.


                Me, I'm just working on compartmentalizing my stresses... after two days of pre-op appointments, I'm now prepping and packing for the relay that's in two days. Went to the track w/o last night, more for social reasons than anything else, and it was really exactly what I needed. Though ironically, the track where the workouts are held is at the middle school that's just next door to the hospital where I'll be having my procedure in two weeks. All this seems to be tempering my nervousness and excitement. So all I'm trying to do these days is breathe.


                5.5 miles for last night, and the 300m repeats (did 10 of them) seemed easy. Imagine that.





                  Still recoving from last night's ugly run!  Running through storms and very HOT/HUMID!  Bagged it early.


                  This morning the temps had dropped, but the humidity was still there.  Rosie and I made it through 4.1 miles but she was one HOT dog!  Gave her a drink from my water bottle afterward to try to cool her off.  I think she still may be panting 3 hours later...

                  And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx




                    . All this seems to be tempering my nervousness and excitement. So all I'm trying to do these days is breathe.


                    5.5 miles for last night, and the 300m repeats (did 10 of them) seemed easy. Imagine that.

                     Nice speed work OrangeMat. Keep on breathing. Our hugs and prayers are with you too.

                    Leslie, I hold you close to my heart today, precious lady.

                    Holly, check this out. I got a copy of this for a little girlfriend, she is 10 and she is really enjoying her "turn in the kitchen".

                    Opie, you had an injury, I take it? And just recovering now?

                    Great job getting ready those race bags jlynne. I think us racers often takes for granted the hours and hours of work it involves to put on a race. 


                    Nada here for me this morning. Just enjoying the morning sun, sitting on my porch drinking some tea. This afternoon I have a fun workout ahead of me.

                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                      Thanks for the extra hugs, peeps.  Greatly appreciated.


                      Nice run this a.m., Bill.


                      Holly, glad you've found a candidate and you'll get some time off next week before starting your new position.




                      The foot ain't very happy this a.m. with some swelling in the forefoot.  So instead of working out, I'm sitting on the couch with it up in the air, icing off and on.  Unfortunately, I won't be able to sit with it elevated very much today, so it'll probably be nice and fat by the end of the day.  Crappola.

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance


                      mustang sally

                      Bad faerie

                        Greta run, Byl.  You'll be fine at the 10K.


                        Thanks for the greetings, everyone.  <tips hat to those who have joined since she wandered off.  Pleased to meet you, sir.  Pleased to meet you, ma'am>


                        Life is still chaotic here at the ranch, but I will try to stick my head in from time to time.  No promises for regular bulletins, though.  You can thank me later.


                        Holly, this series of cookbooks: has saved my sorry backside more times than I can mention.


                        The author is committed to eating real food with your family and gets the stresses of trying to make that fit into life.


                        The cookbooks feature series of five-day dinner plans, with a shopping list for each week.  She realistically times the prep for meals and sets some up to be lightning fast and others to involve a prep/ pick up the kid from soccer / finish/ eat kind of rhythm.  When I pick a week and commit to it, it gives me enough structure that it's easy to make real food and avoid falling back on FrozenCrap or pizza.


                        "The Healthy Family" is a super place to start and has a really readable section on healthy eating, too.


                        Kids can follow these recipes.  Kids can cope just fine with a note on the fridge that says, "Cookbook is open to Page 53.  Please start at the point where I have put an arrow stickie and continue until I get home around 5:30."


                        Leslie, have we met?  Try getting a compression sock on that foot if you have to be on it.  Or go the old Ace Bandage route if you can.  That may help keep the swelling to a minimum.

                          Hi, Sally - No, I have not had the privilege of meeting you.  I'll definitely get an ace bandage today as I don't think I'm going to be able to find a compression sock before I have to launch into things.


                          I don't have kids, but I'm gonna check out that cookbook!


                          Okay - Off to get things started.  See you all on the flip side. (hand raised - I will not rely on Moon Pies today!)


                          {{{{HUGS TO EVERYONE}}}

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance



                            Good morning. Good vibes to Leslie.


                            6.5 easy miles this morning. Got out the door late. Hoping for a swim later too.


                            I am toying with a triathlon in July, just a sprint. I don't usually do these and don't have any proper gear, but my sister is coming up and doing it so I figure I should enter to be sociable at  least.  Racing on a bike scares me but the other swimmers will be ahead by then...


                            Sally those cook books sound great. It would be interesting if I left a cook book open. Probably get the same result as when I leave a note asking that the dishwsher be emptied. ....Evil


                            Happy Wednesday!


                            MM #6177

                              MS, so glad to see you here!


                              lamerunner, what if you left a note on the cookbook saying "Do not read!"??


                              6.3 miles at what seems to be my new training pace, the low 9's. Legs did get a bit tired toward the end of the run (uphill, of course), and that's when I remembered I need to take it a bit easy this week. Or do I? The training plan for the relay says to run everyday up until race weekend, albeit no more than 5 or 6 miles. Whatever. I've got shopping, laundry, packing and a pedicure to keep me occupied until 4am Friday morning.... Dead

                                Opie, you had an injury, I take it? And just recovering now?


                                Yes.  Everything was going really well and I had 3 solid races with PR's in Jan. & Feb.  I got a stress fracture at the end of that month so didn't run for 8 weeks.  The doctor has a strict order for me not to run in the Green Silence for a while as we think that was the culprit.  I should have just done speedwork and/or races in them but did every run in them.


                                Lunch yoga planned and we're expecting storms today so it'll be interesting to see what kind of workout I can do after work.

                                "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me
