Masters Running


Tue Feb 3 Runs and etc (Read 643 times)

    I had an easy solution to today's snow: I read the 10 day forecast at the beginning of the week so today is my off day! Big grin Petty clever eh? jdmom3 here is my view, and it is probably worth about what you are paying for it. To me it really sounds like you need a cutback week. It will actually do you little harm and perhaps a lot of good to go for two such weeks. If you really start to feel antsy you can add in a temp run someplace. That will make you feel like your are doing "something" while letting you knock back a few miles for some extra time without feeling guilty about doing so. fatozzig Story: Big grin Big grin Big grin. As to the guy wanting a call back on the weekend, well that I can sort of understand. If you are in real estate and need something to close the next day you are sort of in a bind. Especially these days I imagine those in the business are scared to death of losing any deal. As to the rest . . . pretty funny! I too hate when people call and just say, "Hi." My thought is, "Who the heck are you?" Confused

    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


    Half Fanatic #36

      Hi everyone, I'm still here even if i haven't posted in ages....still runnning too.. I was out for almost 7 miles this morning with a friend who's much much faster then me so it was a great workout trying to keep up with her pace.. let's see how it goes when we meet again next Tue!!! I'm trying to build up slow mileage for a couple of ultras I'm planning on running in March but I'm so disorganized I can't even keep an accurate log of my runs! I'll keep trying !! Francesca

        Leslie – we do a lot of juvenile work in this office . . . "
        and we have alot of adults who act like juveniles that work in this office . . . Roll eyes kidding . . . I love all 20+ of the attorneys I work with. Most are young, only been out of law school a few yrs, and some of the finest criminal defense attorneys I can imagine. But they just look sooooo young to me! Shocked I wonder if they say "she just looks so old to me!"



        Trails are hard!

          I don't know, Tammy--from my viewpoint you look pretty young Wink Of course, I graduated for the 2nd time 20 years ago.

          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


          King of PhotoShop

            Meg, I just posted about this in the 50+ thread from back over there on the old site with fred. I ran 35 mpw the week before last and 35 last week, so the question is, when should I move to 40? Here is how I am going to do it. I have my RA log and it shows the total time I took to run those 35 miles the first week, and in the second week it took me 8 minutes longer. This is not a surprise to me as in that second week I should have been more tired. So now I will see how long it takes me to do the 35 this week. My plan is not to grow miles until I run 35 miles in a faster time than I did in the FIRST week. Then I will know I have assimilated. I wouldn't cut back at all if I were you, but I would hold mileage steady until you are sure you are comfortable at that spot. In addition, for immediate feedback you should be taking your HR every morning. On days when you see it elevated, say 8-10 beats, that is a good sign for a day off, or for a short, slow run. And finally, if you have any pictures of me in your house, make sure not to look at them just before checking your HR, as this will surely cause a spike that very few women can control. Spareribs
              and we have alot of adults who act like juveniles that work in this office . . . Roll eyes
              Yes - the family law clients. That's a whole 'nother thing. I'd love to line most of those people up, beat the crap outta them, then say, "Now go be the parent and spouse you're suppose to be dumb@$$." Cripes, it's beautiful here today! Why can't we have weather like this during the summer? However, a think it all goes away by the end of tomorrow. Glad The Hub got the lawn mowed yesterday.

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance


              i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                .... I ran 35 mpw the week before last and 35 last week, so the question is, when should I move to 40? Here is how I am going to do it. I have my RA log and it shows the total time I took to run those 35 miles the first week, and in the second week it took me 8 minutes longer. This is not a surprise to me as in that second week I should have been more tired. So now I will see how long it takes me to do the 35 this week. My plan is not to grow miles until I run 35 miles in a faster time than I did in the FIRST week. Then I will know I have assimilated....
                Ribs.. Makes perfect sense to me... Kinda like Navin (Steve Martin) in "The Jerk": I know we've only known each other four weeks and three days, but to me it seems like nine weeks and five days. The first day seemed like a week and the second day seemed like five days. And the third day seemed like a week again and the fourth day seemed like eight days. And the fifth day you went to see your mother and that seemed just like a day, and then you came back and later on the sixth day, in the evening, when we saw each other, that started seeming like two days, so in the evening it seemed like two days spilling over into the next day and that started seeming like four days, so at the end of the sixth day on into the seventh day, it seemed like a total of five days. And the sixth day seemed like a week and a half. I have it written down, but I can show it to you tomorrow if you want to see it.

                Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                  Ah Steve. This must be some of that cerebral runner stuff 'Ribs was talking about earlier. Big grin And Leslie, while I can really appreciate and support your plan for your clients, please refrain from any talk of lawn mowing for the next couple of weeks at least, k?
                    Thanks for the input Twocat and Ribs. Ribs, I will be sure to avoid looking at your avatar while checking my HR. My last few weeks have been 53, 57 and 58 but not too long ago I was in the 40s. I was planning 60 for this week so you can see that I've been upping it. I have been feeling kind of tired and not very peppy on my runs even the slow ones - hence the thought of a cutback week. Well, that coupled with the fact that next week is busy - lots of stuff scheduled in the mornings when I usually run. Hmmm, well perhaps I will aim for 58 again this week and keep at it until I start to feel better.

                    Once a runner . . .


                      My 79 year old dad has an aortic aneurysm in his abdomen. They were deciding between repairing via surgery (opening him from his throat down to his bladder, stopping his heart, fixing it, starting his heart... presto!... oh, and don't get an infection while you are opened up.. 4 days in ICU, 4 weeks recovery if everything goes well) or putting in a stent (going through his groin and up his femoral artery... overnight, 1 week recovery). He was a good candidate for a stent. Phew. Until yesterday. But wait! There's more! You also get a free set of steak knives. They found a second aneurysm near his kidneys. Bye, stent. Hello, major surgery. Bonus - they can't keep him down long enough to deal with the second aneurysm. They'll just "watch it", fingers crossed, and maybe repair that one down the road. But luckily (heh), that one is not as major a procedure since it isn't, you know, his aorta and all. Looks like I get to spend Valentines weekend in Dallas. He's now paying the price for being a typical member of the armed forces in the 1940s-1960s (two packs of unfiltered luckies a day and a whole lot of scotch). I think I'll go run now.


                        It looks like I've got some catching up to do since my last post Sunday morning. Abelisle, welcome and post often. We have a few things in common. I'm one of the few over 60 on the thread (65 vs your 60), I'm also a retired teacher, and I have two adult kids. bike, I'm glad to hear you got in two runs over the weekend without any problems with your foot. Nice long runs for Tramps, abelisle, jdmom (with strong wind), perch (hilly trails), ribs (1st 10 since surgery), evryday, rbbmoose, breger, henrun, busi, Tammy, Peter, perch (another), and jdmom. Good job on the speedwork for perch, breger, Holly, and fatozzig. This morning, it was in the mid teens and almost calm. I got in 8 miles in a bit over 1:20 for a 10:01 pace. A good day and good runs for all. TomS

                        One day at a time

                          Wow, SR, I'll be thinking about you and your family! I hope the surgery and recovery go well for your dad.
                            SRL - Holy crap. Keeping your Pops and your family in my prayers. Erika - My dad once said this is the only place he knew of where the grass grew in the winter time. After looking at your pic, I'll stay where I am. Wink

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance



                            Half Fanatic #36

                              Sorry to hear you have another major surgery ordeal in your family, Robert. Hopefully everything will be well soon. Take care, Francesca


                                Craneium, good job getting up for an early run! I'm with Mariposai - I'm NOT a morning person! I've only done an am run a couple of times, but I didn't quite just get up and run; I got up, drove most of the way to work (which allowed me to wake up a bit and run in the flatlands, and let the sun come up), then ran on a trail near the office. Then I drove to work, and showered there. Perch, I think someone mentioned this the last time you posted a graph of your "mogul run" - it looks like an EKG readout! Holly, those intervals look pretty good, considering you did them outside, with some icy patches, and probably in the dark too! Alex, sounds like a nice snowy trail run. Can you post some pics here? I don't do Facebook. Erika, whine all you want about the cold! I don't know where you find the motivation to keep running all winter. If your DH and sons don't go out and run in the cold the way you do, I'll bet you just give them the ol' evil eye when they complain. Leslie, interesting article! I guess the dead guy lived alone? I wonder if he started to smell bad, or maybe he always smelled bad so no one noticed... Twocat, I plan my rest days based on the weekly forecast, too! You won't want to hear this, but I rested yesterday because it was only 45 degrees and windy, and the rest of the week looks better! Ribs, are all your runs flat? Just wondering, because my pace varies all over the place depending on terrain and altitude, so there's no way I'd run the same weekly mileage in close to the same time from week to week. Plus, on some of my easy runs with the dogs, I don't track the time. Robert, hope your dad's surgery goes well! Just wondering - how do smoking and drinking contribute to aneurysms? It's 55° and sunny today! Shorts and tee shirt! I ran at the local state park near the office, and was attempting a wave run, alternating about 10:30 and 9:30 paces. I didn't do too well at the pacing, but it was a fun run anyway. 10:33, 9:03, 10:37, 9:19, 10:26, 9:46, 9:26 last 0.1 mile. Then a cool down walk back to the car, maybe a quarter mile. This weather is supposed to continue all week! Cool

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
