Sub-4 Marathon Group

April 2013 (Read 53 times)


    Onemile:  It's funny you say that about the pace, because the slower I run, the more it seems to hurt!  I don't know if my gait changes or what, but it's definitely noticeable.  I have been trying to really concentrate on good form and short strides though.


    I've read some stuff that said it had something to do with how much you flex your knee or something but it's common for slower running to aggravate ITBS.  Which is why when I was thinking about plans for this spring, I was a little worried about the Pfitz plan because of so many long slow runs.  I used to be able to handle that but I don't know if I can anymore.


      Hey all,

      I've got 4ish today, but we're also expecting thunderstorms, so I'm not sure if I'll get it all done. If this were mid-cycle, the rain wouldn't be an issue (in fact, I kinda have fun in the rain). But with the race on Sunday, I'm just not sure it's worth it, if it's pouring.


      Ami, In my view, this was your first "real" Graston treatment. It took me a good 3 treatments before I was completely healed. And Graston causes inflammation to promote self-healing. So it makes sense that the run right after treatment is painful. you might be dealing with that inflammation. Use a lot of ice, or even an NSAID to knock out that inflammation, and you might feel a lot better. When's your next appointment? Keep encouraging him to get aggressive. Tell him what you just told us about where you need to be to race a fall marathon, and see if that gives him the info he needs to adjust his treatment.


      Onemile, congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since the Hansons taper is basically the mileage minus quality, make sure you do the miles EASY, to really give your legs some recovery.


      Regarding humidity. I simplify it. There's: Nice, Not Bad, Crappy, Really Crappy.

      PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)



        I've read some stuff that said it had something to do with how much you flex your knee or something but it's common for slower running to aggravate ITBS.  Which is why when I was thinking about plans for this spring, I was a little worried about the Pfitz plan because of so many long slow runs.  I used to be able to handle that but I don't know if I can anymore.


        I find that there is a happy medium for me.  When mine is aggravated I can run easy, but I can't run super slow.  I had to abandon my husband once on a LR we were doing together because he was barely breaking 11:00/mile and my knee was hurting (the man can run a 1:45 half, but anything faster than 10:30 on a long run and he gets whiny that we're going too fast.  Does not compute.).  As soon as I took off on my own, my leg felt fine for 17 miles.


        I also can't run super fast though.  Both times I have gotten mine irritated, it has been an interval session that has pushed it over the edge into injury.

        My wildly inconsistent PRs:

        5k: 24:36 (10/20/12)  

        10k: 52:01 (4/28/12)  

        HM: 1:50:09 (10/27/12)

        Marathon: 4:19:11 (10/2/2011) 


          I've read the same thing about pace and ITBS, but I found it didn't apply in my case. When it was bad, it didn't matter if I adjusted pace, road camber, time off, etc. It was always the same.


          Ami, just keep going to Graston faithfully. Communicate your needs. And do as much foam rolling and treatment you can at home. Hang in there, it'll get better.



          I've read some stuff that said it had something to do with how much you flex your knee or something but it's common for slower running to aggravate ITBS.  Which is why when I was thinking about plans for this spring, I was a little worried about the Pfitz plan because of so many long slow runs.  I used to be able to handle that but I don't know if I can anymore.

          PRs: 21:35 (5K); 1:46:46 (HM); 4:30:46 (FM)



            I find that there is a happy medium for me.  When mine is aggravated I can run easy, but I can't run super slow.  I had to abandon my husband once on a LR we were doing together because he was barely breaking 11:00/mile and my knee was hurting (the man can run a 1:45 half, but anything faster than 10:30 on a long run and he gets whiny that we're going too fast.  Does not compute.).  As soon as I took off on my own, my leg felt fine for 17 miles.


            I also can't run super fast though.  Both times I have gotten mine irritated, it has been an interval session that has pushed it over the edge into injury.


            Yes this is true. I have felt mine during 5k paced intervals before. It really does seem like a "medium" pace the best.


            And what cbus said - when mine was bad it was bad no matter what pace but once it started getting better, moderate pace was best for it.


            Cbus, I will try to be good and stick to my easy pace.  Lately I've been doing those on the faster side (9-9:15) but I will try to be careful about keeping them very easy this week.  I imagine on rested legs it will be hard not to get carried away.

              DTF: So, since 18 weeks out from the Detroit Marathon isn't until June, what training are you doing up until then? It sounds like you are doing some Hanson's stuff now, is that what you plan on following for actual marathon training?


              Indi, that is funny. Did you notice yourself in the video or did someone else see it? I wonder what you were thinking at that point when you looked at your watch.


              onemile: congrats on nearing the end


              AmiK: My knees always seem to get a little sore if I run slow for some reason. And then in races I realize that I never have any of the pains that I feel while running slow. For a while I was thinking it was maybe the adrenaline of the race, but if that was the cased then I should feel the soreness after, but that doesn't happen. Lately I have been paying more attention while running slow and I think I let my legs swing forward more which must put more strain on my knees (or at least strains them differently) that causes the soreness.


              I got 7 slow miles in this morning and 5 last night. I am still basking in the warmth of my better than expected Sunday race, even though it is 38deg and raining. It sure feels better than the worse than expected marathon performance last fall. Maybe that means I should always plan to do worse than I think I am capable of?

              PRs: 10k-44:36 (10/12), HM-1:44:55 (4/13), FM-3:41 (10/13)



                AmiK- I struggled with ITBS for four months before I got graston- it did take awhile to resolve.  What really helped me was not doing any downhill running (I did uphills and flats) and running faster/working on my form.  I switched shoes a number of times more stability, which helped, but aggravated my calves in the long run.  ITBS is a biotch when you have it.


                Onemile- YAY TAPER


                Indi- I'm going to have to watch that video later (work blocks it).


                Me- 5 easy today - going on a business trip tonight but bringing my running gear in the event that I get bored and want to run.

                13.1: 1:45 | 26.2: 3:55


                Former Bad Ass

                  That would work for me if our highest dewpoint and humidity weren't in the morning.


                  Temp on the drive home was 88F.  Ran 4 at HMP and it was way harder than the 8 @ HMP I did a couple of weeks ago when it was 45F.  Dew point was not even that high yet.... which all leads me to today's nerd lesson:  Civil twilight.


                  So, if you are coming upon some hot weather and you need to run as early as possible in the morning to avoid the heat & humidity (pollution levels are usually lower in the morning too, which is definitely something you should keep up on), here's something I just learned that might help.  There's this thing called sunrise, which is when the sun comes over the horizon.  But there's also nautical sunrise, astronomical sunrise and civil twilight.  All these things can be as far apart as over an hour.  But if you want to know when its going to be light enough to run, pay attention to civil twilight, which is specifically defined as the time of day when it becomes light enough out to perform outdoor activities without artificial lighting.  In my area, where there are lots of hills and trees, usually its about 5 minutes after civil twilight that I feel comfortable running.  You can't use official sunrise, because the duration of twilight varies throughout the year.  Civil twilight is the only one of the many measures that is tied specifically to perceptible light.  And, BTW, there are apps for android (and iOS I assume) that will give you today's civil twilight.


                  Please resume un-nerdy activities.....



                  Former Bad Ass

                    AmiK, feel better.


                    onemile, I'll freak out with you.  My ultra is that Saturday!  Good luck!



                    Former Bad Ass

                      And I still have no internet but I am finally caught up with the thread.



                        Thanks everyone for the humidity and dewpoint help !


                        Nick - yeah, i'm training for the HM at Stoney Creek in late May.  It's a nice little way to work my miles back up. I'm using elements of Hansons in my mini training plan to get a feel for the plan - speed on Tues, tempo on Thur and weekend long run.  I'm 80% sure i'll be using Pfitz starting in June but I want to see how the Hanson's donuts do in their spring races. I really want to think I can run 6 days a week, but i'm just not sure I can do it schedule wise,etc. How about you?  do you know what plan you're going to do for Oct ?


                        Indy - nice video - are you the first donut on video, I wonder ?? also just curious - what type of hat were you wearing ?

                        PB's     10K 47:15 (9/13)     HM 1:45 (9/13)     M 3:57 (10/13)

                        Running Blog


                        Former Bad Ass

                          I love Pfitz.  I think it's nicer for my asthma than Hudson but I have not tried Hudson yet.


                            Cough sniffle sneeze blow cough sniffle sneeze blow cough sniffle sneeze blow......2 days of this has left me exhausted. Hopefully tomorrow it'll be over.


                            great info in the past two pages. I hope to see the video tomorrow.

                            PR's : HM 1:51:15  -  5K 21:27



                            White Lightning

                              Still going strong with the cross training here.  Yoga X finished today and my core and flexibility as well.  The break from running was definitely what the doctor ordered.


                              Indi - Great video, looking cool, calm and collected


                              I agree on ITB, mine usually only hurts when I'm running 10:30 or slower

                              Play the Game Hard!

                              Rusk Runner

                                DTF - I am wearing a Nike visor but, it was cold and I had one of my $1.00 knit caps on over it.  I actually threw it in the truck that was filming the video since I was warming up.  The gloves are .50 cent gloves.  All on clearance at Wal Mart this time of year.  Best place in the world to get throw away gear.  I have worn throw away gloves, ear warmers, and knit caps at two marathons and two half marathons and have never paid more than about $2.00 for the stuff.


                                Josh - I am enjoying my week off but I am starting to get antsy to run.


                                I tend to be less sore when I am running sub 9's.  The only way I can run a 10:00 any more is on the treadmill.


                                All - I havent decided on what training program I will use next.  My family/work schedule has me twisted on whether to stay with Pfitz, move to Hansons advanced, or to Create my own.  I do know that I have to find a cheaper Graston doc to get my left leg better before I start turning on any real training.  I want to get into some easy miles next week (32 miles).


                                All advice welcome/

                                PRs...5K - 20:36, 4mile - 26:15, 13.1 - 1:32, 26.2 - 3:42

                                Just Run!!!