The League of Extraordinary Runners

Training (Read 5242 times)


    I'm aiming for 18 on Saturday, with the design to run 9 miles out and back on Rt. 249 beginning and ending by the Callaway Food Lion (the U-turn would fall a short ways in to St. George's Island). And for the pace I would seek to average sub-7:30/mi overall.

      So, my 18 mile run today was going well until I fell on a curb - fortunately, right in front of the fire house. Both palms were scraped and bleeding, right knee scraped and bleeding in 4 places, and right side of right calf scraped and bruised.  I actually felt pretty good though and wanted to go out and finish the run.  Alas, the other runners did not concur with my plan - nor did the volunteers at the fire house.  :-)


        Major ouch! Was it due to the rain-slick pavement?


        I thought I was playing it safe today by sticking to the treadmill, but I still bloodied myself (in a far more unsavory manner).

          Major ouch! Was it due to the rain-slick pavement?


          I thought I was playing it safe today by sticking to the treadmill, but I still bloodied myself (in a far more unsavory manner).


          I don't know for sure (because I don't actually know what caused me to fall - and I didn't realize it was going to happen until there was no stopping it).  Anyway, Sarah (who was running with us) said that I placed my foot at an angle onto the curb - and the curb was high. I was probably just tired and my muscles were not responding well enough to make that curb jump with good success.  Alas, the curb of doom.

            I hope recovery is quicker than it was for the Cruise of Doom fall. At least you got in a decent run before the spill.


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              Pretty sure I'll be leading mileage this week. Not so sure it will help me with my double races next weekend.

              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                Alison appears to be doing well in your absence from the area. I was hanging out for a good while on the Solomons boardwalk last night, and every few minutes she and her sister Caroline would pass by running a pretty brisk clip (even though it was nigh 9 p.m.!).


                  I'm curious to know what Joe did to his legs to make them so dead this morning --- dead to running with DR! We had been perfect when it came to meeting on Wednesday mornings, but the record is now 0-8 for Monday mornings and 7-1 for Wednesday mornings.


                  Phil logged again, but left a bit of a gap between 04/28 and 05/28.

                    I'm not sure what I did, either, but the meaty muscle in my thigh/hamstring has been sore a couple of days now. Recovery runs in the heat have made me feel mostly lethargic. With maybe 9 hours of sleep I could have run all right this morning, but that would have meant going to bed at something like 8pm, which was not about to happen.


                      I won the Battle of Morning! It is possible to have a major track workout done --- and rather successfully so --- by shortly after 6 a.m. All I had to do to pull it off was set my alarm for 3:18 a.m. (I knew that I'd need to have my warm up done by 5 a.m. so that I could get my 8-mile interval set {6 miles of actual intervals, 2 miles of recovery laps} going very shortly thereafter ... and needless to say I had the SMCM track all to myself this morning.)


                      Obviously the point of this early effort was to avoid the burning afternoon sun (the temperature today is supposed to push 90 degrees) that likely would've turned this workout into a slowing disaster --- if I even were to make it all the way through without quitting (also I wanted to steer clear of all the high school graduation hubbub that has always been a nuisance to my climactic inteval workouts leading to the Crofton Kiwanis 10k). And, as far as illumination goes, this morning displayed a remarkable reversal of all those late fall track workouts I've done at the college over the years. It was dark as deep night during my warm up; gradually graying twilight amidst most of my interval set (I was able to read my watch without glow by the 2nd 1200); and then it wasn't until a couple laps into my cool down that the sun finally peeked above the trees to the east.

                        I think it's clear why you consistently outperform me as the years go on. Your discipline is admirable. What time do you go to bed during the week to manage all this?


                          I was actually far less tired this morning than I was yesterday morning, even though I arose an hour earlier today. But last night I made a point to go to bed very shortly after 9 p.m., whereas I'd been up to nigh midnight Tuesday night watching (from bed) an NHL playoff game 7 (it was San Jose vs. LA, so obviously the game time had been scheduled per West Coast preference). The sleep you get before midnight is always the most valuable.


                          This morning, I think, will henceforth serve as a blue print for all my major interval sets that  take place between late May and early September. Obviously there'd be no advantage to starting so early in the winter, though.

                            That gives me potentially another day to run with you if I wish to wake up at 4am!


                              I just uploaded a new training plan.  Any feedback is welcome.


                              The goal of the training plan is to establish a base for a fall marathon (probably Philadelphia, though Wineglass is another possibility).   Once the base phase is done, I plan to start marathon specific training (such as runs at goal pace).

                                FYI, I looked over your training plan the other day. I thought it was a sensible build up (or base, as you called it). I think it's a smart plan whether you're recovering from injury or even 100% healthy. You'll increase your mileage without killing yourself in workouts.