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12:37 PM

5.3 km


5:13 km


3 / 10
10 / 10
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Tried some of the strides at race-ish pace, and I must say that it feels very comfortable. I'm not one for falling victim to overconfidence, but I'm thinking tomorrow go for 3:46-3:49/km until this alleged uphill is over and then 3:39/km for high 36. Excited, maybe too excited.

PS Went over the course (in a car) with Adam. It's really an incline for half a km and then a decent sized hill (like Rennie's Mill Rd.?). Wasn't checking might be wrong. So the new plan is 3:43-3:43-3:46 for the first three kilometers then avg. 3:40 for the next seven for a total 36:52. You know, just so I can have it here to remember and so I can compare today's dreams with tomorrow's reality.
