Run: Easy-Moderate Previous Next


5:18 PM

10.3 km


4:51 km


150.5 lb
147 bpm
169 bpm


10 C


7 / 10
8 / 10
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Kent's Pond


Went out probably a bit too fast because I was so damned excited to be running at my normal, easy pace again. Something weird and gastro I think was keeping me hunched over - possibly that gross pizza I had at lunch or possibly some soreness related to doing the core workout a bit more often the past week or so. Anyway, I also felt my heart rate was up a bit, but I guess that makes sense - I'm cardio recovered, but not muscle recovered, so I was more easily sending blood to the legs that needed more than usual to run 4:48/pace. Happy to see that the average worked out after I took it easy for a bit. After that I decided to put in some strides to get the heart moving and the turnover happening at the end of the run. Will probably do the same on Wednesday instead of hills or even super fast finish. Just felt right. There's no emergency when it comes to putting in quality workouts. Maybe next week.

Cadence - 184. What's crazy is that my cadence on the (first three) strides was 200. Obviously need to lengthen the stride!
