Bike: Long Previous Next


10:13 AM

70 mi


17.49 mi / hr


178 lb
119 bpm
149 bpm
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3.5-4 hour endurance ride, rolling to hilly terrain if possible.


Endurance @ steady ride, RPE 3, Zones 2, low 3, cadence self-selected.

Pace should feel pretty easy--the goal is not to push your HR too high. You're logging seat miles ;) Don't be afraid to ride hills--but stay seated when you climb.

Rode to Wachusett Mountain, cut back to 140 via Mirick road, back up over the mountain, then turned around and rode up to the summit, and finally back home. That took 2hr 50 min, and I decided that I didn't want to deal with the cold and cold wind any more so I did the last 1hr 10min on the trainer. Looking at HR data, I probably need to work a little harder when I do my indoor endurance rides - instead of 110 HR shoud be up closer to 120.

This was a nice ride atually and the time went by rather quickly. Unfortunately because of the cold outside I was not drinking nearly as much as I'll need to for the race, but I did make sure to get in my Clif bars and other fuel.

The bike shop gave me a Specialized Tarmac Expert to use while mine is getting repaired. It feels a bit lighter than my bike and appears to be a stiffer frame. It was MUCH easier when climbing and has good acceleration, but top end speed seems somewhat limited based on this one ride.
