Run: Easy Previous Next


6.5 mi


8:32 mi


This was an eye-opening run for a couple reasons. First, I took three days off, since I hurt my left calf again while playing soccer, and I learned today that it is NOT better. It hurt from about 3 miles in, and just got worse throughout. As of now, I can't walk, all I can do is a very pronounced hobble. Probably going to be biking for me for at least a week; I really need to figure out what is wrong with this leg, since this injury just keeps coming back.

I also chose to ditch the HRM again and prove to myself that I'm in better shape than it says. Unfortunately, I'm not, that's very clear. This 8:30 pace run took a LOT out of me, and by the end I was feeling completely wiped out by the pace. I suppose that's a good thing to learn, because now I'll be a lot less likely to argue with the HRM when I run with it, but it's discouraging to learn how far I've slipped off from my fall 2010 form.
