Run: Tempo Previous Next


10 mi


7:09 mi


7 / 10
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Too hard. I was going to do my standard 10 mile loop at the standard pace, but I got to thinking about upcoming races and I got carried away. Started out pretty regularly, I glanced at my watch at the 2 mile marker as I went by and saw I was doing about 7:30 pace. I'm not sure where it started to get crazy, but the next time I looked at my watch was the 8 mile mark and I crossed that in around 56:30. I couldn't have been really killing it because it felt pretty comfortable, but it was faster than I expected.

Considering the 15 minute two mile, I must have been clocking sub-7s for a pretty big portion of this run. Not sure if this is good or bad, we'll see in the morning how this affects my runs tomorrow.
