Run: Tempo Previous Next


11:00 AM

8.6 mi


8:25 mi


177 bpm
212 bpm
53 bpm


79 F


7 / 10
7 / 10
  • Map


I ran up Prickly and then down Senor to the East Warren Road and home on Plunkton. I decided to wear my HRM but run at a pace that felt like my aerobic threshold rather than just staying under 160 bpm. I found that I was averaging about 170 on flats, although I was spiking pretty high on uphills. I decided around the four corners that I would check my max heart rate again, so I just let loose up the hill. The result was that I hit 212 and could barely pick my legs up when I finished it. I had a good time on this run, and I think that I prefer running by feel to going based on a heart rate monitor.
