Run: Tempo Previous Next


10:45 AM

2.3 mi


7:34 mi


157.2 lb
156 bpm
164 bpm


61 F


10 / 10
6 / 10


Decided to run the exact same track workout as I did back on May 4th (the last time I did any track work). Here's how it played out:

1 mi. warmup @ 9:47

1 mi. time trial @ 6:26 (95, 98, 99, 93; 3:14/3:12)

1/2 mi. recovery @ 4:38

400m hard @ 1:16

1/2 mi. cooldown @ 4:41

Friends, never suffer a long-term injury that limits your mileage and speedwork, or this is what happens ;-)

Seriously, I'm pleased with the progress I've made since my last time trial back in May, especially since I've been running mostly 10:00 miles since then. My mile time back then was 6:42, so I've shaved off 15 seconds, but I'm only 1 second faster in the 400 (no surprise, since that requires a faster leg turnover, which is NOT what I've been doing).

Wore my Brooks Launch for my warmup mile, then gave my new Brooks Pure Cadence (low drop) their first test run the rest of the workout. Loved them!

Brought my kids with me and let them run their own workouts while I did mine. Fun morning. I hope to work my way back to a sub-6 mile eventually.
