Run: Easy Previous Next


12:00 PM

6.7 mi


8:25 mi


154.6 lb


39 F


5 / 10
8 / 10


Woke up feeling achy and drained (both of my girls are home sick today, so it's going around), so I wasn't sure if I was going to venture out into the cold rain for a run. I like to walk that fine line between "harden up, cupcake" and "you're an idiot"...which is often what my running amounts to (I probably fit into the idiot category more frequently.) I decided that I could always start the run and cut it short if needed, so off I went. I didn't wear gloves because I knew they'd get soaked, so my hands completely froze (could hardly unlock the door and take my shoes off.) Finished the run with 3 strides, somehow managing to avoid tweaking an already tweaky hamstring in the cold. Time for a hot shower and a hot cup of coffee to go w/a late lunch. All that said, it was nice to run in the rain (i.e. much cleaner air) instead of the recent icy fog.
