Coconut oil ballsack lube (Read 103 times)

    I be doing 7 mile jogs now when I have the stamina to. Still outta shape but y'know. But the issue I'm having is friction. I wear the Jockey tight briefs with jock pouch because y'know I have something big down there (but I'm used to that Wink )  but I tend to get chafing on the ballsack. So I got some coconut oil and I'm gonna slather up my thighs and ballsack before my hobbyjog tomorrow and see if it diminishes the friction a little. Is this safe? Afaik coconut oil is safe and people use it for sex lube so I should be good.

    if you're tired of starting over then stop giving up!


        straight coconut oil works pretty good as runner lube and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg like stuff labeled for use while running. Never had it leave a stain in my shorts, either.

        60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

          straight coconut oil works pretty good as runner lube and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg like stuff labeled for use while running. Never had it leave a stain in my shorts, either.

          aye, I just tried it, works pretty good. it seems to evaporate though over the course of a long run so re-lubing might be necessary for those long long distances. Luckily I'm not back up there yet.

          if you're tired of starting over then stop giving up!

            aye, I just tried it, works pretty good. it seems to evaporate though over the course of a long run so re-lubing might be necessary for those long long distances. Luckily I'm not back up there yet.


            It seems to work fine for me on 2 hour runs in hot Summer temps. I also used it at the Grand Canyon last Fall, about 6 hours going to Phantom Ranch and back, walking most of the way back up. Previously I had used BodyGlide, or the similar Arm 'n' Hammer lube.

            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


              It seems to work fine for me on 2 hour runs in hot Summer temps. I also used it at the Grand Canyon last Fall, about 6 hours going to Phantom Ranch and back, walking most of the way back up. Previously I had used BodyGlide, or the similar Arm 'n' Hammer lube.

              Wow that's mad impressive man. Right now I'd be happy with breaking HM distance again as a training distance (without injury) and then I wanna see if I stay consistent this year I can run my first full marathon in fall. Need to get back in the routine of running at the crack of dawn when it's cool. Never was a fan of afternoon runs. Plus there are mad people out in the afternoon so all the usual foolishness. People are rude to runners for no reason for some reason. It's not just fitness for me though it's a sanity thing. It's free therapy. I seem to go insane and become a shitty person when I stop running. All the old excuses and grievances come out. Running seems to keep that shit on a leash.

              if you're tired of starting over then stop giving up!

                Reminds me of the dick hurt in the cold morning thread. some of the best life advise on there.


                Since you made some pretty bold statements about how big your balls are - please post that on the pretty picks from my run thread - because it doesn't exist, if it's not on insta or runningahead.


                Otherwise can totally confirm - coconut oil works like a charm. Will try it for anti-chafing too, in the future.




                HM: 1:47 (9/20) I FM: 3:53:11 (9/23)


                2024 Goals: run a FM & HM + stay healthy!

                  Reminds me of the dick hurt in the cold morning thread. some of the best life advise on there.


                  Since you made some pretty bold statements about how big your balls are - please post that on the pretty picks from my run thread - because it doesn't exist, if it's not on insta or runningahead.


                  Otherwise can totally confirm - coconut oil works like a charm. Will try it for anti-chafing too, in the future.




                  Will do. Will post soon. Currently on remedial. Hadn't run in a month then was trying to run 7 miles a day and use the whole david goggins mentality about how pain is imaginary but I figured it doesn't matter really if I get laid up and then can't run for 6 months. So I got a membership at the Y and I'm gonna use the track and swim and maybe lift while I'm on remedial. I've actually never pumped iron in a gym in my life and based on my experiences bulky muscle mass actually makes you a worse runner. But I'm just trying to lose my virginity so I need the body that women like.


                  But yes I'll post my grundle pics soon. People have actually photographed me while running which I think is pretty rude. I'm gonna start telling them they can do it but I charge for 8x10 glossy prints.

                  if you're tired of starting over then stop giving up!

