Humiliation at the club (Read 1911 times)


    Support is one thing. Blowing sunshine up my ass is something completely different.
    That's a general comment right? I never would do such a thing. Smile
    Roads, where we're going we don't need any....roads.

      the Cheesburgerie pie
      I definitely like that the cheesburgerie has now been baked into a pie! Mmmm. Pie.


      Lazy idiot

        I've seen you in a lot of threads Drew, do I come off as an asshole?
        We all do, from time to time. But that's not what you asked. Since you asked nicely ( Wink), I think sometimes you seem a little quick to take offense at someone poking fun. People here can be brutally funny, emphasis on brutal. I get the impression that sometimes your sarcasm detector is on the blink. I wouldn't call you an asshole, just good entertainment. (that's me, trying to be funny)

        Tick tock

        Lazy idiot

          What's that phrase about a bear in the woods........
          If you're wearing your iPod on a trail run, you'll never hear him coming?

          Tick tock


            That's a general comment right? I never would do such a thing. Smile
            It's a comment about much of what I see in these types of threads. Personally, the whole "That coach is a jerk, way to go" rah rah stuff is not supportive. That's blowing sunshine up someone's ass. Telling the truth is supportive. Jeff was at least open and honest, and qualified his statements. That's support. So yeah, it was a generalized comment, inspired by yours but not directly related to.

              Q: Do I come off like an asshole? A: We all do, from time to time. Watch what happens now. 4 posters who do not come off like assholes, basically ever: 1. ileneforward. 2. zoom. 3. nobby. 4. ennay.



                We all do, from time to time. But that's not what you asked. Since you asked nicely ( Wink), I think sometimes you seem a little quick to take offense at someone poking fun. People here can be brutally funny, emphasis on brutal. I get the impression that sometimes your sarcasm detector is on the blink. I wouldn't call you an asshole, just good entertainment. (that's me, trying to be funny)
                I've been getting that vibe but the only one to successfully pull it off was JK. I know the swamp is no holds barred so it's expected there. I just wonder if it's because all of you know each other personally or maybe you all think the identity assumed online is that we're all friends? If this is the case, how do I get sworn in so I'm not carrying on with arguments predicated on sarcasm.
                Roads, where we're going we don't need any....roads.

                  5. econo. 6. baddawg.


                  Run the race God set B4U

                    Q: Do I come off like an asshole? A: We all do, from time to time. Watch what happens now. 4 posters who do not come off like assholes, basically ever: 1. ileneforward. 2. zoom. 3. nobby. 4. ennay.
                    5K's (11), Half Marathon (1), Relay Marathon (1), 15K's (2)

                      7. tinaz.


                      Run the race God set B4U

                        5K's (11), Half Marathon (1), Relay Marathon (1), 15K's (2)

                          I've been getting that vibe but the only one to successfully pull it off was JK. I know the swamp is no holds barred so it's expected there. I just wonder if it's because all of you know each other personally or maybe you all think the identity assumed online is that we're all friends? If this is the case, how do I get sworn in so I'm not carrying on with arguments predicated on sarcasm.
                          I don't know any of these idiots from Adam. What you do is decide that if some uses names, they are doing so as a joke, and not out of actual malice. Other than that, you decide that no one here is really worth getting into a heated argument with, and move on about your day.

                          Lazy idiot

                            If this is the case, how do I get sworn in so I'm not carrying on with arguments predicated on sarcasm.
                            I'm pretty sure we're of the "make your own ID card" club. Just show up. Always assume that you (the royal you, man) being made fun of is being done in jest. And even if it's not, you just laugh anyway. Life's too short for me to worry about bickering with people on the internet.

                            Tick tock


                              I don't know any of these idiots from Adam. What you do is decide that if some uses names, they are doing so as a joke, and not out of actual malice. Other than that, you decide that no one here is really worth getting into a heated argument with, and move on about your day.
                              Gotcha, garbage in, garbage out. Thanks old wise one.....
                              Roads, where we're going we don't need any....roads.

                              Why is it sideways?

                                I've been getting that vibe but the only one to successfully pull it off was JK. I know the swamp is no holds barred so it's expected there. I just wonder if it's because all of you know each other personally or maybe you all think the identity assumed online is that we're all friends? If this is the case, how do I get sworn in so I'm not carrying on with arguments predicated on sarcasm.
                                a. Learn to laugh. b. It's a message board. c. Forget about it. d. Get yer ya' ya's out if you want. e. Remember it's about running. f. Who cares about those freaking jerks anyways. g. A little self-mockery goes a long way. h. Being fast helps. i. So does being from Nashville. j. And being a dude. k. And weighing like hardly nothing. l. Don't you have something better to be doing anyways? mta: Sorry.