How do you do it? (Read 347 times)


    With a full time, demanding job, wife, kids, chores, dinner, and bed time, how do you, or would you, balance running/working out? I would like to run more regularly, but there many days, durning the week, that it just doesn't seem possible.  Tips, suggestions, and advice are greatly appreciated.

    Gator eye

      Get out of bed at 3:30am and start running before you wake up and change your mind


      Interval Junkie --Nobby

        morning is really the only option.  And then don't make it an option.  Make it an obligation every day except rest day.

        2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do


          Plan out your week in advance and know what you need to do -- it's easy to fit it in.

          And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



            Anything you really want to do, you can probably (usually) find time to do it. I sometimes think to myself “how do people find the time to read so many books?” Or,”how do people find the time to watch every gdmn Netflix/amazon/hbo series out there?” Golfers really baffle me (that shiz takes SO much time). Just need to find 4 or 5 or 6 hours in a week to get this running stuff in though.


            Things that help:

            • huge luxury item, but a home treadmill eliminates any weather/light issues you might encounter running at odd times.
            • Gym at work if you’re lucky enough to have one (or gym close to work)
            • Conditioning your boss to make lunch time runs normal

            Things people do:

            • Wake up at 4:30 to get that 20 miler in on a Friday morning
            • Run commute
            • Run around the soccer field during your kids’ game like a crazy person
            • Run during your kids’ events (especially practices – you don’t need to watch them practice).
            • Jogging strollers (take the kids on your run)
            • Talk to your spouse about your collective priorities (swap kid watching duties while each other works out)
            • Run on a track while your kids play on the infield

            Find a way, if you want to find a way.

            Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
            We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

              You'll figure it out. Or you won't.

              Runners run


              Half Fanatic 12680

                Plan out your week in advance and know what you need to do -- it's easy to fit it in.


                Well maybe not easy, but this is definitely the way to go. Some days it will not be possible. Plan ahead. Put it in your calendar and treat it like a priority. Figure out the days you can and the days you can't and be flexible. For me and many others, mornings are the best time because you will have fewer interferences. Set your alarm an hour earlier, put out your gear the night before, wake up and do it. However, I know many others who cannot work out until the evening. Figure out what works for you.


                Start by finding 3 times a week to run and then do it. When it becomes a regular part of your week, you can think about how to add more workouts. If you can only fit in two workouts, it's still worth it. You can add on later. Also, do workouts that you enjoy. Don't push yourself too hard at first -- it should feel good. Sometimes I run because i "have to" (it's part of my training schedule), but mostly I run because I want to and I'm looking forward to it.




                  My family is happier when I am running.


                  When I am with my family I am 100% with them - No phone or other bullshit.  People will be with their kids all day and not spend any time focussing on the kids.


                  The only time I watch TV is on the Treadmill or if it is a movie we are watching as a family


                  I do selfishly take "me time" to run


                  My youngest is in club basketball and club volleyball and that can mean 8 tournaments in the month of January.  My wife and I split up some of the events and some we both go to or I go to part of a day.

                  Long dead ... But my stench lingers !




                  Caffeine-fueled Runner

                    Setting aside a series of time slots is how I did it and for my first marathon, it was only the weekend runs that got more time demanding once I was in the 2-4 hours for the long run.  Most week days, I could find a minimum of 45 minutes to fit in a run at varying paces and allowed the distance to take care of itself (out and backs are good for that).

                    PR's--- 5K  24:11,   10K  49:40,   10-Mile  1:26:02,  HM  1:56:03,   Marathon  4:16:17

                    Maniac #11112, Fanatic #14276, Double Agent #2335


                      As others have said, mornings are key.  It's the first and in some ways, most important thing in my day.  I put the kids to bed, and my husband deals with them in the morning, leaving me free to run at that time.  Perhaps you can trade off taking care of the kids in the evening in return for some free time in the morning as well.


                      Running out my door is usually fastest, so that means having the clothes to run in most conditions.  I won't run on ice, but that's not a big problem where I live.  I also belong to a gym.


                      With young children, for me it makes more sense to train for shorter races, like 5Ks, and just try to get faster, as opposed to longer, more time-consuming training.


                      It's basically a question of priorities.  Running (and swimming and biking) keeps me sane, so it is my highest "elective" priority after the absolute necessities.  My husband is supportive because he likes me to be sane and happy.


                        As many people as have posted on this thread and really as many people as have their running logs on this site = that many different ways to "do it".


                        For me, having a training plan and sticking to it works.  I know at the start of the week what my mileage is for the week and which days I'm going to run.


                        I run in the evenings mainly, but sometimes I run in the morning, occasionally during lunch and sometimes at night.  I also use the "GYMPact" app that charges me $5 if I don't work out but pays me roughly 20 cents if I do work out.  I don't watch much TV anymore.


                        Start slowly and work up.  Don't go from spending zero time running to running 5 or 6 times a week, you will probably not be able to stick with it.  Starting with just a few days a week and increasing over time (months and years) is a lot easier than suddenly trying to carve out 4 or 5 or 6 hours a week.  First just carve out 30 minutes 2 or 3 times a week.  Everyone has time for that.  Then build on it.


                        Have fun.

                        Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                        Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


                        Interval Junkie --Nobby

                          I also use the "GYMPact" app that charges me $5 if I don't work out but pays me roughly 20 cents if I do work out.


                          "Get rich and quick" scheme?


                          Looks like you make lots of trips to the bank.  Good for you.

                          2021 Goals: 50mpw 'cause there's nothing else to do

                          L Train

                            Having a friend or more than one (physically or virtually) with shared goals helps.  So does having a goal race in the future with other races in the short run.  Creating a training plan on here for those races is a way to break it down into what has to get done every day or every week.


                            I know if I don't have those things (which I haven't for a few years now) everything breaks down and gets sloppy.  Running/fitness moves somewhere down the list of daily priorities and before you know it you are pfdos and losing hope of getting it back.  



                              morning is really the only option.  And then don't make it an option.  Make it an obligation every day except rest day.


                              Agree with this. That is the time of day you are less likely to have people/things competing for your time. And you will be glad you got it out of the way. Set your alarm for however much earlier it needs to be than normal. Eventually you will get used to it, and probably start shifting your bedtime earlier. There will always be an excuse to skip it; avoid the temptation to give in, other than for injury.


                              You'll figure it out. Or you won't.


                              Also this. People who really want to do it, for whatever their motivation, find a way to make it happen. Plenty of people never manage to make it a habit.




                                Some days it will not be possible.


                                I respectfully disagree - I have run every day (at least a mile) for over 9 years now - there is always time to fit it in.  Any day that you say you can't fit it in is really you just deciding that you're not going to fit it in.


                                As for what I do - I just get up early, usually about 4:45 and am at the gym for 5:15.  it doesn't have to be that much time, depending on how long your run is planned for.
