Pretty pics from your run (Read 1294 times)


Misinformation Officer


    Runs like a dj mixing songs while wearing festive outfits.
    5k PR 5/31/21 24:21 

    10k PR 5/23 54:43

    HM PR 6/2024 1:58:35 

    Tachyon chaser

      Snowing today! Not a spectacular picture, but I liked the faded whiteout effect in the distance and you can see some snowflakes falling against the darker trees in the midground.

      Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul
      You've got to run like an antelope, out of control!

      an amazing likeness

        Higher sun has cleared snow back to the tree lines; weather fronts pass quickly, spring has arrived.


        Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

        Tachyon chaser

          milktruck - I'm always facinated by the different clouds I see when outdoors on a run! I like the almost solid looking front of clouds in your picture!


          Here's some clouds from my run last Wednesday. The first picture is looking back on the road I just ran down and you can see some storm clouds in the sky. Sometime after my run we had rain turning to snow flurries.

          The clouds were not as ominous in this direction. In the middle you can see some blue looking distant hills and several silos. To the right of that and up in the air look close and you may make out a soaring vulture.

          The camera made the foreground look too dark, but some dramatic lighting effects in the clouds! With the worst weather I often get the most spectacular photos!

          Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul
          You've got to run like an antelope, out of control!

          an amazing likeness

            Altair5 - Way back when earth's crust was still forming, I attended college in your area and vividly recall watching the weather fronts rolling in from the distance during times out on athletic fields and wondering "what is coming with that?"...

            Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

            Tachyon chaser

              Milktruck - you're like ten years younger than me, so I guess you were at school here in the early eighties. I was not living in Geneseo then, but often came up for visits! I'm sure you know some of my friends and may have crossed paths attending a party or at the Idle Hour! Some of them played sports there, even after they had left college, but I had no interest in sports until I took up running in the early 90s. I recall seeing the Elves (later a heavy metal band called "Elf") play on the athletic fields and remember an interesting fireworks display for freshman orientation that took place on a foggy evening!

              Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul
              You've got to run like an antelope, out of control!

              Tachyon chaser

                Milktruck -  I decided to take a walk down to the college athletic fields and took some pictures.  Although I live not far away I haven't walked around the Geneseo campus for a while, most of my runs are outside the village on farm roads. There was a 5K that used campus paths, but not sure if that race is held anymore. Saw a lot of new buildings that weren't there back in my day.

                Here is one of the fields we used to play sports on. Some clouds, but I don't think a front is moving in yet. The orange you see at the far end of the field is a track. Sometime I'll have to try running on it.

                In front of the student union

                One of the older buildings and a clock on a pole

                The College Green and the new science building. 

                Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul
                You've got to run like an antelope, out of control!

                an amazing likeness

                  Despite many trips over that way, it's been so long...nothing really looks familiar other than the skies and sweeping vistas of the finger lakes region.  I was about 50mi east in the other "G" town...

                  Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

                  Tachyon chaser

                    milktruck - My error, by the other "G" town I assume you mean Geneva. I guess the weather there is much like Geneseo. I think there are running paths in the park at the north end of Seneca Lake, might be fun to run there sometime. Any other places nearby good for long  runs?

                    Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul
                    You've got to run like an antelope, out of control!

                    an amazing likeness

                      Old Grist Mill under early spring grey sky looks over the lower falls...


                      Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


                      One day at a time

                        That a nice area to run in.  I guess it will all look different if they remove the dam.

                        an amazing likeness

                          Open farm land stretching to the north Atlantic in early summer....


                          Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.



                            not bad for mile 25

                              Mickelson Trail, SD



                              Mmmm Bop

                                Telscombe a few miles from Brighton UK. These views are about a 10min run from my house.




                                5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)