2020 Marathon Training and relevant COVID 19 discussion echo chamber (Read 700 times)

Running Problem

Problem Child

    omr I think it went well. The people interviewing me remembered me off the bat. One I’ve contacted each time a position has opened. Others just from either my name, or a conversation they had before I entered. I should have told them my proudest accomplishment was pacing States not a BQ. Shows more teamwork rather than individual effort. Hopefully I get selected for a background check, make it through a background check and voice stress analyzer, and get offered a job. I reminded them I’ve tried for three years to get in, the last time THIS spot was open it was grant funded with no plans for when the grant ran out, and no one else does DNA analysis in town. The kids I blew up in my workout in spectacular fashion and reminded myself I confirmed my love of running IN the interview. I guess it includes the days that don’t go how I imagined them.

    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

    VDOT 53.37 

    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


    pie man

      Santa Rosa you physically go through a winery.  It was pretty cool.  I made a joke about samples and when we passed through the building and they had some chardonnay.


      Rehoboth in Delaware had course issues multiple years I recall.  And there was a half in Annapolis that pretty much you just had to assume was going to be somewhere in the 12.5-13 range.

      11:11 3,000 (recent)

      cinnamon girl

        Fishy - glad you liked the 400s. 600s are nice too. Nice week.


        Brew - hope you hear good news on the job. It sucks to be underemployed and operating at a level beneath. One can do it for awhile but long-term causes issues.


        JT - I totally support skipping Spring marathon. Crickets... I posted a couple times asking if people have read the Passion Paradox. Same response. Different interests I guess!


        JMac - saw your mention of niggle. And I saw Rovatti's comment - related to what I was going to say. I had an issue in the same area and my guy said my gastroc and soleus were stuck, limiting movement. He had magic hands. ART.


        Darkwave - sciatica is an awful thing that I had briefly. Seemed unpredictable, sporadic for me. But I ran NYC anyways - the hills must have realigned things and I haven't felt anything since. You figure everything out so I'm sure this will be no different.


        Corona - my daughter's study abroad program in Rome was suspended as of Monday. She contemplated staying and traveling Europe for the last few weeks of the quarter since she wasn't concerned about getting it. But then she didn't want to risk getting stranded in Europe somewhere since she had recent travel in Italy. So she came home yesterday


        Ran 5 hours easy last week. Stopping workouts for a bit.






        Mmmm Bop


          Me: I decided to forego any spring marathon. Just don't feel like I have enough time to get in the shape I want to be in 7-8 weeks. So I'll focus a bit more on speed & strength and get into marathon training in the summer. Brew, you can put me down for the Hartford marathon, October 10, same goal of sub 2:50.


          JT - Does that mean you aren’t planning on running Boston 2021?  C’mon get a BQ Sub 3 this Spring as it would be great to meet you! (assuming that I actually qualify)


          Weather - Amazing run and attitude! You’ll still go Sub 1:15 half even when you’re over 40yo. 👍


          London Marathon - My gut feeling is that it’ll get cancelled...if that’s the case then I’ll pay a visit to my parents and run Belfast Marathon instead which is a week later (and AIMS certified)  Not quite as glamorous, but I need to run a BQ and then hopefully improve on it later in the year. 😁

          5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


          not bad for mile 25

            Why would London get canceled and not Belfast?


            Mmmm Bop

              Why would London get canceled and not Belfast?


              45000 runners and a million or so spectators at London. Belfast had less than 4000 marathon runners last year and there’s little crowd support.

              5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)

              cinnamon girl

                Oh yes JT - get a BQ for 2021!


                And Darkwave - I should have clarified - I didn't have any issues the morning of the race. If issues were flaring as yours, no way would continuing be an option.






                  JT - Does that mean you aren’t planning on running Boston 2021?  C’mon get a BQ Sub 3 this Spring as it would be great to meet you! (assuming that I actually qualify)



                  Mikkey: No, I was still planning to run it; can't pass up the chance to see you and Cal battle it out and to meet you and all the folks from here in person! I thought the 3:07 I limped through last October would cover me for Boston 2021... It was within the registration period (just barely), so the question is will it be fast enough. I'll be in the 45-49 AG so 3:20 is the standard; I think it should be enough (I hope so!). Boston experts, let me know if I'm missing something here....


                  Cinnamon: Good to see you back here! CV sucks; I won;t be surprised if Boston and London are cancelled. It was weird watching the Tokyo marathon last weekend. No people on the course cheering, just the elites running through empty streets.


                  Kram: Glad things are trending better for you. Re the trials, I personally don;t have problems with runners becoming US citizens later in life and running professionally, that's what we're all about and it gave us fine citizens like yourself! Abdi running 2:10 at age 43... not sure if there was some extra juice helping him along; he has been around that level for years so it was not a huge outlier performance. Then again he has trained with Mo a lot hasn't he?

                  2:52:16 (2018)


                    Well, Rome was just canceled (lots of cases there).  I wonder if Boston is next to at least announce limitations or just outright canceling just from a publicity standpoint?  Imagine they will wait out the month though.

                    1mile: 4:46 (12/20) | 5K: 15:57 (3/21)  |  10K: 33:40 (4/20)  |  15K 51:43 (4/21) | HM: 1:15:03 (12/20)  |  FM: 2:40:30 (1/20)

                    Speed Surplus

                      Checking in from the US epicenter of coronavirus...Seattle. I have races scheduled on the next two weekends.


                      The first is a half on 3/7. They said the race will go on, but the weather forecast kinda sucks. They're offering a virtual race (LOL, no) or a 60% discount on a later half marathon. Neither option is attractive to me. I would take a postponement but that's not on the table. I guess I'll go race the (possibly watered down) field in shitty weather and do my best. It's the same race I set my PR in back in 2015 (1:28:12) and my training has been roughly the same this year in terms of mileage. I'm curious to see if I'll be faster or slower given the competing factors... On the one hand, I have five more years of continuous training under my belt. On the other hand... I'm five years older. On the mutated third hand growing out of my back, I have the vaporflies now...


                      The next race is on 3/15 and I'm guessing that one will be cancelled. It's a monster event, 7,000+ participants, and I can't imagine it's a good look right now for Seattle. But I haven't heard anything about cancellation...yet.

                      5:27 / 18:49 / 40:32 / 88:12 / 3:12


                      Cobra Commander Keen

                        Quick drive by before catching up on the rest of the thread, since my wife and I took a few days at a B&B post race for our anniversary and I've been blissfully disconnected from the digital world since.


                        Cowtown was quite windy and a good deal warmer than I have trained in (~58* at the start). I pretty well failed to properly account for this, and long story short between ~18.5-20 (also when my stomach started to go south) I realized that even a wouldn't-get-me-in-to-Boston BQ time would have required far more than I was willing to put forth at the time, so I decided to just run/walk it in after 20.


                        I signed up for the OKC Memorial Marathon (on 4-26) today courtesy of my employer, though as weather for that tends to be well below optimal for me I'll probably treat it as a supported LR. Still haven't decided if I'll go for a fast marathon later in the year, or which one that would be if I did. Currently Grandma's and Bismark are leading choices, though I'm certainly up for suggestions.

                        5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                        Upcoming Races:




                        cinnamon girl

                          What's the deal with virtual races anyways? You just go run 13.1 mi by yourself somewhere? I don't understand. And you pay to do it??

                          And I don't want to hear go look it up myself 





                          Running Problem

                          Problem Child

                            JT three is a guy on the Hartford marathon website that kind of reminds me of JMac. Black singlet. Winner (probably). national


                            Nimmals What's up with no results from the 50k championship?


                            SC you just HAD to throw out the 1:28:12 PR as if it's something I should aim for, didn't you? Good luck this weekend. Looks like you've been coming back kind of okay this year. I assume the 3/15 is a St. Patricks themed event. Sub 19 5K attempt?


                            Keen Would Bismark put  you in for 2021? I think a "mostly flat" course might work for you, and you should aim for OKC as a race....even though it's around the corner. You'd be just as alone in Bismark as you would right at home. Plus Texas sucks. It's always windy with how much Texas Sucks.


                            cinnamon yeah pretty much. Run your own 13.1 and get a medal mailed to you. Some people enjoy it because they get the medal without the travel requirement.


                            Me: just meh. The high/joy from CIM has worn off. I can't find motivation to train, and seriously considered bailing on all races yesterday. I'm kind of holding on to the LAST time I took a year off from racing and "ran for fun" miles became less than 30. The climb back SUCKED and I'd rather not tank Boston 2021. Gotta see the match up of the forum year front row. Cal vs Mikkey I'll need to make a social media account so I can maybe live stream one of the runners so everyone can report on how each feels here.

                            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                            VDOT 53.37 

                            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                            Running Problem

                            Problem Child

                              Paul hey any info like a bib number for LA? You're up this week. Just finish and Sean O Brian is over.

                              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                              VDOT 53.37 

                              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                                What's the deal with virtual races anyways? You just go run 13.1 mi by yourself somewhere? I don't understand. And you pay to do it??

                                And I don't want to hear go look it up myself 


                                cinnamon:  Haha, yeah, basically.  I did one once, and happened to "win my age group."  Got a $25 gift certificate from it, which was more than what I paid.  So, came out ahead for running around the neighborhood by myself.  This is something I could get used to!