2020 Marathon Training and relevant COVID 19 discussion echo chamber (Read 700 times)


Stotan Disciple



    Nimmals What's up with no results from the 50k championship?




    Gun Time: 3:31:03.0 Wardian killed it. Burried me too.

    It was Wardian, Sam Skeels and Aaron.

    I think I'm going to do JFK with Sam Skeels

    Thinking should be done first, before training begins.


    Recovery Phenom

      Posted in the wrong thread!!!

      26.2 x 31 (3:15:34 PR)

      13.1 x 35 (1:30:58 PR)

      Author of the book Boston Bound


        Checking in from the US epicenter of coronavirus...Seattle. I have races scheduled on the next two weekends.


        The first is a half on 3/7. They said the race will go on, but the weather forecast kinda sucks. They're offering a virtual race (LOL, no) or a 60% discount on a later half marathon. Neither option is attractive to me. I would take a postponement but that's not on the table. I guess I'll go race the (possibly watered down) field in shitty weather and do my best. It's the same race I set my PR in back in 2015 (1:28:12) and my training has been roughly the same this year in terms of mileage. I'm curious to see if I'll be faster or slower given the competing factors... On the one hand, I have five more years of continuous training under my belt. On the other hand... I'm five years older. On the mutated third hand growing out of my back, I have the vaporflies now...


        The next race is on 3/15 and I'm guessing that one will be cancelled. It's a monster event, 7,000+ participants, and I can't imagine it's a good look right now for Seattle. But I haven't heard anything about cancellation...yet.


        SomethingClever - 3/7 I assume is Lake Sammamish. That’s a great fast race, if you’re in shape you don’t want to miss it. Kinda shitty weather but just the usual cold & rainy, nothing that’ll slow you down. Plus I’ll be working an aid station, ready to hand you a cup of corona-infested water. 



        Mother of Cats

          What's the deal with virtual races anyways? You just go run 13.1 mi by yourself somewhere? I don't understand. And you pay to do it??

          And I don't want to hear go look it up myself 


          I would like to cosign this one, though OMR's story makes a bit of sense.  If I could sign up for a free one, and win something of value, then there's a bit of appeal there.


          On that same note, what is the deal with all these Strava badges - i.e. "half-marathon badge" and similar.  I can get the appeal for those who are new to running and need some encouragement.


          But I simply fail to understand why people who are regularly laying down 200 mile months need the validation of earning a Strava badge for running at least 13.1 miles.

          Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


          And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.



            I would like to cosign this one, though OMR's story makes a bit of sense.  If I could sign up for a free one, and win something of value, then there's a bit of appeal there.

            A quick follow-up to the one I ran.  It was actually a charity 5K, so whatever I paid for in entry fees went to a charitable organization (don't remember which one at this point).  And I think I was in a place where I needed to do a fitness check anyway, so it made a time trial a little more appealing.  Oddly, it was completely on the honor system.  You didn't have to submit Garmin data or anything, and it didn't need to be on a track or otherwise certifiable route.  Just submit your time.

            Resident Historian

              Virtual races -- ok I guess if you want to give some $$ to a charity (and it better go all to charity -- with minimal race expenses taken out).

              But... where's the fun in that?
              I want to see the other runners. I want the excitement of racing rather than running round my neighborhood pretending. I want to try to run someone down in the last 100M (although that's getting harder at my age), chat with other runners after, and get a beer (maybe even if it's 8AM at the finish).

              I'll pass on the virtual races, thanks!


              “Some people will tell you that slow is good – but I'm here to tell you that fast is better. I've always believed this, in spite of the trouble it's caused me. - Hunter S. Thompson

              Running Problem

              Problem Child


                But I simply fail to understand why people who are regularly laying down 200 mile months need the validation of earning a Strava badge for running at least 13.1 miles.


                To me it’s the same as racing to gain the validation coming from racing I guess. As someone who previously used the Nike Running app to track my running I used the new badges and background colors as goals and accomplishments more than a race time. You had to run like 1,000 miles to go up a color at one point which was a TON of miles for me six years ago. Same as running a sub 3 marathon I guess. I gain satisfaction and validation what I’m doing to become a batter runner is working because after 4 years of marathon running I finally reached a point I literally NEVER thought I’d reach. So validation in anything is usually important and no one should really use their perspective to understand someone else’s validation.

                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                VDOT 53.37 

                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22



                  SomethingClever - 3/7 I assume is Lake Sammamish. That’s a great fast race, if you’re in shape you don’t want to miss it. Kinda shitty weather but just the usual cold & rainy, nothing that’ll slow you down. Plus I’ll be working an aid station, ready to hand you a cup of corona-infested water. 


                  OK well now this race has been officially postponed. So you’re off the hook.



                  Mmmm Bop

                    What's the deal with virtual races anyways? You just go run 13.1 mi by yourself somewhere? I don't understand. And you pay to do it??

                    And I don't want to hear go look it up myself 


                    I remember a couple of years ago I was meant to run the Big Half in London, but there was a lot of travel disruption due to weather conditions and they said that anyone who DNS’d could have the medal posted to them if they showed proof of running the distance on Strava!

                    5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)

                    cinnamon girl

                      Yeah I agree on the charity aspect - Brave like Gabe probably had a virtual race. So if someone feels strongly about a charity or cause and wants to use it as a reason to get out there and move, but can't or doesn't have the ability to get to the real course, I guess that makes total sense.






                      Mmmm Bop



                        On that same note, what is the deal with all these Strava badges - i.e. "half-marathon badge" and similar.  I can get the appeal for those who are new to running and need some encouragement.



                        And I don’t get all these daft monthly Strava challenges....”run a 5k/half marathon this month”. WTF is that all about? Congratulations, you completed your 5k race challenge. Woohoo!!!

                        5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)

                        cinnamon girl

                          I went to the track today and was running (not walking or jogging) in lane 3. Some official-like looking guy was pointing at me and then pointing to the outer lanes. So I moved to the outer lanes while he seemed to not bother this guy walking in lane 1. WTF is that all about?





                          Running Problem

                          Problem Child

                            California International Marathon 2020 registration is open.


                            first 1,000 people get a discount.



                            $120 starting at 9am Sacramento, CA time.

                            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                            VDOT 53.37 

                            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22

                            Running Problem

                            Problem Child

                              I went to the track today and was running (not walking or jogging) in lane 3. Some official-like looking guy was pointing at me and then pointing to the outer lanes. So I moved to the outer lanes while he seemed to not bother this guy walking in lane 1. WTF is that all about?


                              You were blocking his social media video. I'd have stopped him during his run and said "I don't understand. Are you telling me you want to move to the outside lanes? Is this your track or something?" Extra points if it was during a hard interval because fuck people who think they own a track accessible to the public. Go run through a park if you want to yell at people. 

                              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                              VDOT 53.37 

                              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22



                                OK well now this race has been officially postponed. So you’re off the hook.


                                Interestingly - the organizers did not proactively cancel the race; the city pulled their permits.
