Marathon training after a marathon (Read 477 times)


    I know there must be some hardcores out there who do several marathons a year. So, here's my question. I am doing a marathon on January 18th (my 3rd) and hae always used the program from the book "Four Months to a Four Hour Marthon" and it works well for me. Looks like I'm going to get to run another marathon on April 20th. I'm a little unsure how to train. I don't think I need to use the program from the book for a race so close to the last one since I'll have a good base already. Maybe some kind of a maintenance type program. Obviously need to rest after the one on the 18th and need some kind of a taper before the one in April. Anybody got any suggestions? Either your program or something from a book or on-line. Thanks Cool


      I don't recommend specific programs to people unless I know specifically what their training is like (or they are paying me in which case I find out what their current level of fitness and experience is). That said, if you are on a program that you like and that serves you well, then stick with it. After your marathon on January 18, do a reverse taper. What that means is take your workouts before the marathon and do them in reverse order until you get back to a normal training week. So if you do a 2 week taper, then do the last week before the marathon after the marathon, and then do the workouts from 2 weeks before the marathon the 2nd week after your marathon. (If it's a 3 week taper, then go back one more week and repeat that one as well.) Once you've done that, you should be feeling pretty good and recovered. You have a couple of options at this point. You can either use a different program, or you can just use the same training program and start it over. Just figure how many weeks you have until your next marathon, then do the last number of weeks in the training program you are used to counting back so that the race day on the schedule lines up with the actual race day.

      Run to Win
      25 Marathons, 17 Ultras, 16 States (Full List)


        I know there must be some hardcores out there who do several marathons a year.
        Yes, I do "several".
        So, here's my question. I am doing a marathon on January 18th (my 3rd) and hae always used the program from the book "Four Months to a Four Hour Marthon" and it works well for me. Looks like I'm going to get to run another marathon on April 20th. I'm a little unsure how to train. I don't think I need to use the program from the book for a race so close to the last one since I'll have a good base already. Maybe some kind of a maintenance type program. Obviously need to rest after the one on the 18th and need some kind of a taper before the one in April. Anybody got any suggestions? Either your program or something from a book or on-line. Thanks Cool
        It comes down to how quickly you recover after a marathon... and also what your race goals are for both of these. Now, I see you mention April 20th. Boston, perhaps? Is this contingent on you BQing on 1/18 or unrelated? Anyway, check halhigdon.com and look at the multiple marathoning info. Or, grab a copy of Pfitzinger/Douglas' Advanced Marathoning at your library. In the back of that book is a section called "multiple marathoning" with plans that will help you with a marathon 4, 6, 8, and I think 10 weeks. Here's the dealio, though. You have 13ish weeks between these races. Assuming you don't kill yourself on 1/18, you could probably utilize one of Pfitzinger's regular 12 week plans. You could also *consider* jumping into the middle of a longer plan because, yes, you do have a reasonable base. Comes down to your recovery time after that first one. Good luck.


          Yes, I do "several".
          Big grin (I literally laughed out loud at that.)

          Be safe. Be kind.

            I was reading through the book, "advanced Marathoning" and there is an entire chapter with running plans for back to back marathons. Hope that helps.
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